Deutschland von Sinnen:  Germany out of her Senses


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/25/2014 at 10:42 AM   
  1. Oh well done indeed!

    Yeah, lookit that: The UK is just like America, only worse. Germany is just like America, only worser!


    In Germany there are about 80,000,000 inhabitants. Of them, 16,000,000 have an immigrant background. Among those, there are around 4,000,000 Muslims. None other than a Turkish author| asks the question: “Why is it only the Muslim minority who make so many demands?” “Why, for example, is there an Islam Conference in Germany,… but… no Hindu, Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox conferences?” “And how is it that other immigrants have no need for their own lobbyists?” In his book, Akif Pirinçci criticises immigrants who do not want to adapt, and he wonders if the Germans who tolerate that are not completely crackers.

    This is the muslim Turkish immigrant saying this. At several other points in his essay he is also just agog at the way the far left has taken over everything, perverted everything, sexualized everything ... and how Germany is self-destructing because of it. No sense of nation, no children, endless destructive white guilt ... 1500 years after Charlemagne rose from the ashes of the degraded end of the 1500 year cycle of Graeco-Romanism and started Western Civilization all over again, the West is committing suicide once more. It’s sickening. What makes it worse is that there is no justifiable reason for it at all. It’s just that, suddenly one day in 1967 or so, the White World just say to hell with it, slowly became lemmings, and pointed themselves towards the cliffs by the sea.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/25/2014  at  03:55 PM  

  2. The comments are also quite insightful, which gives me a tiny bit of hope ...

    Takuan Seiyo on April 22, 2014 at 10:54 pm said:

    There is something about being an immigrant from an impoverished, dysfunctional or subjugated (e.g. by Commies or Mohammedans) country, and coming to a relative paradise such as Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, England, Holland or the United States were, and witnessing how the natives are busy 24/7 destroying that paradise, taking it down brick-by-brick in a giant Ashura-like orgy of flails, whips and spiked knouts smashed on own backs to the mournful cries of “Racism!” –Whack! — “Nativism!” — Whack! — “White Privilege!” –Whack! –”Islamophobia!” –Whack!–”Sexism!” — Whack! — “Heteronormativism!” — Whack! — “Lookism!” –Whack! — “Specieism!”– Whack!– “Inequality!” — Whack! — “Slavery!” — Whack! — “Colonialism!” — Whack! — “Hitler!” (but never Stalin or Mao) — Whack! — “Inquisition!” (but never Mohammadfascism) — Whack! — on and on, day in and day out, the entire population led by its PhD’d Pied Pipers of Hamelin, and their spawn in high school faculties, judicial and law advocacy chambers, newspaper and TV editorial rooms, Fine Arts Academies etc.

    One who grew up elsewhere, who has seen how the world is elsewhere, knows that the predilections or evils that Whites have been brainwashed to ascribe only to themselves are actually universal, and manifest far more extremely elsewhere. All of which puts the foreign-born who cares about his new homeland in a curious state combining astonishment, disgust, fury and defiance. It’s no wonder that among the writers pointing out the toxic folly of the West are immigrants or internationally peripatetic types

    ... because if only 1 in 1000 writes a comment, then seeing several comments like the above implies a small army of those who could save Western Civ. OTOH, the essay is up at GoV, which is even more of a hardcore, rightwing, anti-muzzie place than BMEWS. Far more.
    So that kind of voice is probably pretty common there. Would that it were like that out in the real world. Pray that it is.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/25/2014  at  04:02 PM  

  3. It has also begun here in the U.S. 

    Here’s the latest.  It’s not ironic that the beginning is aimed against Jews.

    Jewish Eviction Notice

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   04/25/2014  at  05:00 PM  

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