Democratic Party Deathwatch


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 12/07/2005 at 08:56 AM   
  1. I’m predicting another gain in 2006 in both the house and senate. Why? Because of comments like this:

    “What I want Democrats to be discussing is what the president’s policies have led to,” Emanuel said. He added that once discussion turns to a formal timeline for troop withdrawals, “the how and when gets buried” and many voters take away only an impression that Democrats favor retreat.

    and this:

    rally behind a two-pronged strategy to return to power: Highlight the growing number of GOP scandals and score Bush’s unpopular war management.

    Notice that this strategy does not present a roadmap or action plan. Dem’s will continue to be the whining party that is “all abortion all the time.”

    They offer no plan, no ideas, no strategy of what they want to do. Why? Because they know the masses will reject it. This is the price of pandering to liberal idiots.

    If Dem’s came out and said:

    “We think a man should be able to marry his duck.”
    “We believe the state should control every aspect of your child’s life.”
    “You have no right to defend yourself.”

    ...then they would at least be outlining the agenda they are trying to push. Since they cannot do this and survive, they have to continually beat the “Bush lied” drum.

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   12/07/2005  at  10:01 AM  

  2. The article ends with a LIE:

    “Rep. Chet Edwards (D-Tex.), who represents a district Bush won easily in 2004, said he disagrees with Pelosi and Dean but does not see that as a problem. ”The national press is playing up the fact that Democrats do not speak with one voice on Iraq,” he said. “We should wear it as a badge of honor because it shows we are not playing a political line with war and peace.”

    Senator John Kerry and Hillary Clinton: We actually voted for the war before we came out against it, then supported war some more, before we call for a complete cut and run, no, we should stay, then again, NO, maybe.  It all depends on the polls.

    Vote Republican / Democrats are stuck on stoopid

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   12/07/2005  at  11:24 AM  

  3. When the Democrats’ polling groups and their political finger in the wind finger the Liberals will figure out their position on all the important issues.  Except Abortion and Socialism.  Democrats are true to their evil core.

    Vote Democrat and turn America into a Socialist country.

    Vote Republican / Scare the hell out of the pig czar of Iran pig

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   12/07/2005  at  12:07 PM  

  4. [puts on broken record ... again]

    I just wish that the lunatic fringe that seems to be in charge of the Dems would hurry up and crash the party into the ground so that the sane people could take it over again and give this independent some better choices on election day. Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller come immediately to mind. Harry Truman is turning in his grave.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   12/07/2005  at  02:12 PM  

  5. To have a thriving democracy, we need two strong mutually opposing political parties.  Unfortunately, what I see is an increasingly disfunctional opposition party that is seemingly lost the idea of a “loyal” opposition.

    From my admittedly partisian view, we have a marginally majority party that doesn’t know how to lead/rule faced by a minority Party of Treason that apparently is doing everything it can to secure defeat for our country just to defeat G.W. Bush.  I swear that if Bill Clinton were doing want Bush is doing, the usual suspects would be wetting all over themselves with unrestrained orgasmic passion!

    How the Hell can anyone argue that it would be better for the World, the United States or the Iraqis to have Saddam and the Baathists in power?

    I don’t want a one-party government in the United States, but the Donks appear to have lost their collective minds.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   12/07/2005  at  02:52 PM  

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