Dem Racis Skoolz


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/23/2013 at 05:08 PM   
  1. In Britain the leftards have solution to this. Just lower the standards year on year so that eventually the “all must have prizes” philosophy works. The current Tory party have the teachers wailing and gnashing their teeth as they have made the exams harder. Now less people gets prizes. Its hard to be optimistic about the future though when we churn out so many dim witted goons from schools.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   12/24/2013  at  05:20 AM  

  2. Isn’t this exactlythe opposite of the mission/goal of the Dept of Education? Wasn’t it suppose to make the ‘poor’/failing schools equal to all those schools ‘benefiting’ from the ‘rich’ (greedy, evil) property owners who ‘were sinking millions more into their schools from their stolen (off the backs of the hard (although uneducated) workers (who have no power))?

    And so they have for decades (1979, Carter) - funneled monies into these hell hole school systems (those (city schools I pass occasionally) here - continue to tout their Effective rating (3rd from the bottom)). I truly would hate to see those schools that are the bottom 2 ratings.

    It isn’t about money, it isn’t about injustice or social equality - it is about generations who believe that they must never be ‘forced’ into being anything but what ‘they’ want to be - a victim, lazy, a criminal, a predator, a freeloader, unaccountable - what they have always been - bitterly clinging to their racism, victim-status, and base hatreds and criminality.

    They refuse to be accountable for their own failures and successes, they refuse to be accountable to their relationships, they refuse to be accountable to their spawn - but damn if they don’t deserve their EBT cards, Obamaphones (or ten), their project apartment, their Medicaid - and you are just a bigoted racist if you think otherwise.

    And just look to Africa (it is btw, a continent - not a country) that is rife with the exact same ‘social’ issues from Nord to Sud - from the beginning (i.e. before the evil white man) to now.

    Bite Me - I just wish I had the power, that these pathetic, self-absorbed people ‘claim’ I do. I wouldn’t be scared to death of the next (appliance, car, house) failure - and where we are going to find the bucks to fix it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/24/2013  at  09:04 AM  

  3. Outstanding comment Wardmama, and (as a former computer programmer) my glowing admiration for your perfect use of nested commas.

    Oh heck, I think you’ve just written a post for me. Thanks!!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/24/2013  at  09:55 AM  

  4. A significant decline has occurred since the establishment of the Federal Dept of Education, the educrats who have declared ketchup a vegetable and are pushing Common Core to further stifle inquiry and curiosity.

    In the before times no responsible adult took seriously the question “Why do I have to know this stuff?” We memorized the basics, learned arithmetic & beyond, including estimating, learned to write, read, think, analyze and communicate. We even practiced handwriting and printing.

    We’ve lost the classical 3 R’s: Reading (How many pages?), Reckoning (Where’s my calculator?), Rhetoric (Write 500 words in how long?!!? Essay-whazzat? Like, I can’t, like, make a speech, y’know. In front of the class? for like five minutes?)

    Knowledge for the sake of knowledge was an attitude that fostered intellectual growth. It seems to me that now people don’t bother to know stuff because they can always look it up - if they’re not in a dead spot.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   12/29/2013  at  01:13 PM  

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