darn those cheap skate americans … they aren’t giving enough says an american. euros love it


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/21/2010 at 04:47 AM   
  1. Ah Peiper you forgot the 12 million (was it?!?) to teach some African tribe men to wash their nasty bits after sex to prevent aids - yeah right that’s going to work real well to prevent disease amongst a bunch of impoverished peoples who have to walk to get water.

    It is just so like li(e)brals to come up with the most idiotic answer - which involves zillions of dollars when a little faith based, ground common sense that costs a heck of a lot less - would solve the problem. Always with them it’s the million dollar fish give-away rather than the thousand dollar education to teach them to fish.

    I believe that America (until The Won) was the largest giver to all things Worldwide - and for decades we have been throwing zillions down the cesspool of 3rd Worldness that is Afrika. Damn lot of good that’s done - Look it’s just sent a record number of Americans into poverty - What about the children li(e)brals - our own chilin’s are starvin’ to death. So sad - and the foaming at the mouth barking moonbats don’t care at all. Just want America to give more. To hell with ‘em.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/21/2010  at  07:34 AM  

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