CJ moves to Berkeley


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/01/2009 at 12:44 PM   
  1. WELL SAID! we do think alike but you have a better way of laying it out..and a much better typist! thanx........... and LGF chuckie can resize his little tin hat.

    Posted by Rancino    United States   12/01/2009  at  02:22 PM  

  2. I quit paying attention to LGF when he got on his all creationists are stupid, ignoramuses kick. God gave his creations free will. Free will means we are free to choose who we mate with and how we make choices in life. Two redheads mating will produce more redheads than a brunette and a redhead, etc. Evolution is the demonstration of free choice. Dominate genes dominate, recessive genes tend to disappear after a few generations and evolution moves on, all depending on choices made. I see no dichotomy in believing in creation and in evolution. To listen to Johnson, you would think that God has limits and can’t multi-task. His limits on God are what make him the ignoramus. There is an engraving over the Temple in Salt Lake City that his stuck with me since I first saw it as a teenager on vacation with my Mother. It reads, “The Glory of God is intelligence.” Intelligence leads to scientific study and breakthroughs, it allows us to understand the philosophical, the physical and our own emotions or those of others. Our bodies mean nothing. Dust to dust. But our bodies should be treated as temples of the Spirit, which is what God did when he “breathed life” into “man.” Some religions believe that our bodies will be reunited with our Spirit in the afterlife. Some believe it is the Spirit that lives on forever. I tend to go with the latter. We don’t honor our ancestors, our forefathers/mothers for their svelt or studly bodies, we honor them for their character, the good lives they lived, the goodness they brought to the world, etc. To me, the closest thing I have to explain the Spirit is our conscience. Good, Godly, or Bad, Evil. Your choice and those choices will determine what your progeny many generations in the future carry on in their own genes.

    But like you, I’m a live and let live person who honors the beliefs of others, even if they differ from mine. I know that none of us really knows. That is why we call it belief/faith.

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   12/01/2009  at  03:05 PM  

  3. In re abortion:  I believe it’s wrong - but it’s also settled law.  My problem with our current situation is that men are denied equal protection.

    Roe v. Wade says a man can’t make a woman be a mother for 9 months - but she can make a man be a father for 18 years?!

    If women are entitled to a relatively safe and legal procedure to absolve themselves of the consequences of an ill-conceived sexual union, then the 14th Amendment demands the same for men.  He should have 60 days from the time he’s informed of the pregnancy to sign a legal document absolving himself of all rights and responsibilities—call it “a LEGAL abortion.”

    This is nothing more than a basic tenet of our system of Government: Equal protection under the law.

    Not only is this the proper LEGAL thing to do, it would have great benefit to our society at large.  Removing the guaranteed paycheck from “unplanned” pregnancies would cause a guaranteed drop in said pregnancies—guaranteed.  Fewer “unplanned” pregnancies would mean fewer abortions and fewer fatherless kids for the rest of us to support.

    It’s LONG PAST time we had “Choice for Men!”

    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   12/01/2009  at  04:23 PM  

  4. Dedicated Dad:

    Good grief, abortion is pushed by men. It is their safety net when they fail to use protection.

    And, their “legal abortion” is what is called paying the $200 bucks for the woman to go get rid of their child. I don’t know any woman who gets pregnant or keeps an unwanted child because they can make a man pay for 18 years, they may try to trap a man into marriage that way, but but I can’t imagine them deliberately getting pregnant without marriage just for future child support. That is just plain dumb. If you father a child, you should pay your fair share. But, that doesn’t happen and that is why so many single mothers live in poverty. And no one has the right to force another to become a murderer, especially not a man wanting a woman to murder her own flesh and blood to protect his bank account or because he feels inconvenienced.

    The point is that abortion should not be just another form of birth control.

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   12/01/2009  at  04:43 PM  

  5. Well Drew, You pretty much channeled my brain on this thread.I cant think of a single contrary think to say which makes me wonder about whether my mom was ever in Jersey.
    Sadly abortion IS a last ditch effort of birth control over the well known methods of condoms,pills,IUDs and NOT GETTING DRUNK during dating.No one will ever legislate anything to overcome libido no matter what side of the debate.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/01/2009  at  07:01 PM  

  6. One can rest assured that one day Charles will wake up, look in the mirror, and roar in the nausea of self loathing that he is all he decries.

    Posted by Elvula    United States   12/02/2009  at  01:55 AM  

  7. "Why I Parted Ways With The Right”

    I suspect his over riding reason is his rabid anti-Christian bias.

    I think what you said was pretty much a direct hit Drew and I agree with 99% of what you said. As a woman who has been on both sides of the abortion issue (I was in favor of Roe v Wade until abortion became de facto birth control) I take issue with your stance on abortion. We can agree to disagree on that.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   12/02/2009  at  04:01 AM  

  8. Charles banned me when I asked when was he going to go after schools inserting global warming into textbooks after he finished ranting about any mention of God in them.

    LGF was good during the Rathergate period and then slowly slipped into madness.

    Gary Donovan, proud banned LGF alumni.

    Posted by gdonovan    United States   12/02/2009  at  05:26 AM  

  9. Very,very well done Drew.  Not easy finding original words to add to all the other ppl here.

    I’m gonna steal this line from RichK. “ You pretty much channeled my brain on this thread “

    I think everyone here has had something to say that has, “channeled my brain.” So I find I must also say well done and said to all here. Thanks. And as Punkins said, “a direct hit.”

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/02/2009  at  06:14 AM  

  10. Good one again Drew. I agree on abortion as it isn’t in the Constitution, the way Roe is worded - already existed and as such should not be a political plank - ever. But it is indicative of each of the Left/Liberal/Progressive (what-ever-the-hell they are this week) agenda - if you can’t vote it in - get the Supremes to make it ‘Constitutional.’ Somehow I do not see ‘reproductive’ heathcare (how ironic is that?!?) as anything Constitutional nor should it ever be. Both Parties have devolved themselves into rabid stupidity over an issue that never, ever should have been political.

    And We The People continue to pay for it. Same as it always is.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/02/2009  at  09:28 AM  

  11. So to counter, on the left you also get:
    1. Support for communists and leftist dictators like Castro, Ahmadinejad and Chavez.
    2. Support for bigotry and hatred.
    3. Support for cultures that throw women back into the Dark Ages.
    4. Support for anti-science craziness (global warming, etc.)
    5. Support for homoerotic teachings and displays (Adam Lambert anyone?)
    6. Support for anti-government lunacy (PETA, Code Red, etc.)
    7. Support for conspiracy theories and hate speech (Truthers, AGW, etc)
    8. Left-wing blogosphere dominated by hate speech (Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc.)
    9. Anti-Israeli bigotry supporting fascism and genocide.
    10. Hatred for President Bush(both) that goes beyond simple criticism to BushHitler and openly-blogged death threats.

    ...and much, much more…

    Same stuff, kiddies.

    Posted by TimO    United States   12/02/2009  at  09:37 AM  

  12. Dedicated dad is correct, there should be accountability for all and if the female insists on going it alone then, the guy should be able to have a waiver signed by her and the gov should not waste taxpayers boney on the kid either. I do not support open abortions but the duty of care will allways be with the mother and if she is out for fun then she should take care, that is the way nature made it.
    Drew you are right on target but did’nt he shoot himself in bith feet and the ass with his statement?

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/02/2009  at  06:33 PM  

  13. I do not support open abortions but the duty of care will allways be with the mother and if she is out for fun then she should take care, that is the way nature made it.

    OMG. Gag! Grow up!

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   12/02/2009  at  07:22 PM  

  14. Pal2Pal, I dont know if you have been with a real woman but nature made it that she has the babies, as much as moonbats might like to alter nature this is a fact. So it is basically up to the female to take precautions, unless the male is grown up enough to take care himself. I also do not see why an employer should have to pay for an employee to have a child. Me I waited untill I had a house, wife and decent job to support my own actions and start a wanted family, that is the way it should be done. You grow up and get the balls to use a real name not a kiddie text name.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/02/2009  at  07:51 PM  

  15. Well la dee da to you Chris. It just so happens I am a woman, I have two grown children, 3 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren, and I was married 32 years and lost my husband in 2002. It also just so happens that my oldest child is a result of a rape, which also cost me my virginity. I was not out to have fun. And it never once crossed my mind that the flesh and blood growing inside me deserved to be murdered, even though it meant I was disowned by my family and had to drop out of my 3rd year of college. My second child is adopted. You see when I married 3 years later, my new husband and I wanted to have a child right away so there would not be too big an age gap between the children. My husband adopted my son right away. When I did not get pregnant after 3 years of trying, I went to the doctor and after some invasive tests, I was told my tubes were tied in knots like pretzels and there was only a one in an infinitesimal chance of pregnancy ever happening. When I informed the doctor that I got pregnant the very first time I had intercourse, he looked at me and said, “Then consider your son a miracle, a gift from God.” We adopted our daughter six months later.

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   12/02/2009  at  08:13 PM  

  16. Pal2Pal Sorry you have been so roughly handled by some excuses for men, no offense meant. I am unsure about early term abortions, depends on reasons, as for late term, no way my daughter was 25 weeks, well inside Obamas non viable get rid of it ideas, shame his mother did not. I had some issues with the government as she was “officialy” a miscarraige .
    One of my points was to rephrase, the woman pays but there are many, many times when the pill is accidently forgotten only it is no accident. The trouble with all laws in this subject either they assume all defendants are low lifes or saints, either way they do not work. I gave my first wife everything I had worked for (she never worked and I often came home after 12 hours at work to do chores that were never done, lazy cow) and I kept all the loans and debt, this was in stead of alimony, then she went to the CSA, lied a bit and I still had to pay, assumption of fathers guilt.
    Basicly dedicated dad is correct and the world is not fair. Women inthe west get a better deal than under islam though (I do not support that can of worms, just an example of how bad it could be)

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   12/02/2009  at  10:50 PM  

  17. Me I waited untill I had a house, wife and decent job to support my own actions and start a wanted family

    I see you are only obligated to support the children you father if you’re married with WANTED children? Ugh!

    And then you tell me how your first wife was a “lazy cow.” My several decades of experience, including as a counselor for victims of domestic violence, is that when a woman stops caring about pleasing her man or caring for him like his mommy did, she is sick of the jerk.

    I gave my first wife everything I had worked for (she never worked and I often came home after 12 hours at work to do chores that were never done, lazy cow) and I kept all the loans and debt, this was in stead of alimony, then she went to the CSA, lied a bit and I still had to pay, assumption of fathers guilt

    So because you had these terrible feelings for your wife, that, in your mind, absolved you from supporting your children? Ugh again.

    many times when the pill is accidentally forgotten only it is no accident.

    Uh huh. And all those times a man refuses to wear a condom or promises on his Mother’s life that he’ll pull out are just unplanned accidents too, right? Or when they claim falsely they’ve had a vasectomy or that they are sterile just so they can avoid condoms, that is just tough for the woman and any resulting child? If pregnancy results, well hell she was looking for fun and don’t blame him, he has no obligation to support the child his selfish irresponsibility caused?

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   12/02/2009  at  11:49 PM  

  18. Wow ... good discussion here and Pal2Pal has some valid points as seen from a female pov.
    Shows ya how different men and women think, or approach things.  But it is true (in divorce settlements anyway, which isn’t the topic I know) that most often women are favored even when there’s no children involved and she’s contributed nothing to the financial state of the couple.
    Two cases quickly come to mind.  John Cleese and Paul McCartney. The judge in Cleese case just HAD to have been bribed. Read the case.  OK that’s off topic but related somewhat.

    I want to reply to something from P2P though.

    when a woman stops caring about pleasing her man or caring for him like his mommy did, she is sick of the jerk.

    A man who still needs mommies care should NOT be married although I do know that many do anyway.  I loved my mother as does any son and so when I say, I had one mother nobody could replace and do not want another, it doesn’t mean I didn’t care for mom. Although okay, I admit it.  I was quite happy to let my wife change and then buy my underwear style.

    This is a good example of how women will see things with regard to that quote. Which overall my wife agrees with. But here’s something VERY personal. Never thought I’d ever be sharing this on the net but why not.

    My first marriage started off great even before we were married. We were youngish but not teenagers, and all the emotion and passion and hots that pass between ppl madly in love forever. It was shortly AFTER we were married that I discovered something really off-putting about my new bride.
    She hated water so much she wouldn’t drink it much less bathe in the stuff.
    The ONLY way to get her to bathe, was with the promise of sex immediately after. Yeah right. Every male’s dream. An over sexed female. Kind of like Communism.  Looks great on paper till real life gets in the way.
    Fortunately, there were no children involved and so when we split there weren’t any problems. 

    Another subject but still related.  I saw a story in the papers not too long ago, never posted it because I didn’t think there would be much interest in it. But it does fit things here to a degree.
    A man discovered (I can’t recall how) that the kid he’d raised as his own, wasn’t his at all.  His wife was playing around and he hadn’t known about it. When she got pregnant she simply let him believe the child was his. After the divorce she insisted on further child support.  I don’t know if she got it or not.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/04/2009  at  09:19 AM  

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