Christmas Gift Idea #10


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 12/15/2006 at 02:24 PM   
  1. At least two of these will make poor gifts. Same goes for this year’s offerings by Coulter and O’Reilly. I’ve bought #1 and #3, read them all plus C and O’R, and I won’t be giving any of them away. I don’t want them myself either. All are well written, but the message is not a happy one by a long sight.

    Infiltration supports America Alone very well. If you didn’t read The Truth About Islam already, then this is your last possible wake-up call. The overall message in these books is stark. Radical Islam doesn’t need a War On Terror to win; we’ve surrendered to them bit by bit for decades. Look around you; take off the blinders and think. Is it already too late?

    IEDs and suicide bombers are just a distraction and a way to wear our will down faster. It only took world media a few weeks to cave after all. Europe is in the tank; it’s eurabia already. Several countries there have already passed laws against even criticizing islam, while their hedonistic populations happily suck the future dry living in their socialist nanny-states. One bombing and Spain caved. Spain, land of El Cid! Decisions about schoolkids wearing muzzi headscarves are INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Yet UK plays the Reuters game and is too afraid to use words that the ENEMY might find offensive.

    Meanwhile our enemies are breeding faster than anyone else on the planet. Europe, Japan, and even Canada and the US are too busy enjoying the good life to be bothered with the hassle of having children. So we open our borders and they pour on in. Russia is dead; they don’t have the good life but they don’t want to have families either.

    Islam is violently taking over countries in Africa and Asia and we do nothing. Nothing. While hundreds of thousands die. While an African runs the UN. East Asia isn’t much different; Indonesia, Thailand, The Phillipines are falling. Canada is a socialist mess, trying to go euro ASAP. They’ve lost without even a struggle. Drug cartels work hand in glove with the terrorists, we all know it, and nothing is done. Criminal/Terrorist networks control at least a quarter of South America. In the USA, the hyper-liberals don’t want us to fight, the conservatives are too weak to try to win, Political Correctness stops people from having opinions or speaking the truth. Even Israel caved to pressure and backed off a war they had to win to survive, after one whole month of minor skirmishes. Gosh. Not even arch-conservative Newt Gingrich talking on Fox News will call the fight what it truly is. GWoT? No, Crusade IV. And today we saw web servers suspend a blog because the author paraphrased another page’s sarcasm ... yet it was still hate speech so it had to go. YouTube is chock full of jihad movies, but the pro-America ones get taken off. Neither HostGator or YouTube are owned by Mecca. They are American companies, yet they practice one sided censorship here in the one and only country on the planet where the very first right is freedom of speech. Achmed don’t need no bombs.

    Let’s all buy the last book, so we can read it and smile, remembering that once we had a future, once we had hope, and once we had a prayer. Once upon a time we weren’t totally and deliberately self-destructive. Even the latest Pope is afraid to rile the mullahs the slightest bit.

    Sorry to be a downer, but sometimes I can’t pretend anymore. I want to fight, you want to fight, we want everyone to fight for our very way of life. But they won’t. BushCo is getting ready to send another 30,000 troops over to the sandbox, but they won’t be allowed to do the whole job either. Without “Bullets In The Head"(of our enemies), “Boots On The Ground” is just a fresh bunch of targets. Meanwhile, Kerry (WTF???) is going on a “fact finding tour” of sandland. Dollars to donuts he’ll make moron apologistic speeches in every country he visits, denouncing our country, our troops, and our leaders to our enemies. And we’ll let him come home. To cheers probably.

    Achmed don’t need no bombs; the very worst kind of slaves are the ones who forge their own chains when the massa ain’t even home.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/15/2006  at  11:57 PM  

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