Chinese authorities ban Uighurs from mosques .


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/10/2009 at 10:10 AM   
  1. Pieper, it is reasons like THIS ARTICLE that I get worried when you start talking about icing Romani or other groups. Because you overreact or go off half-cocked. Let me explain:

    The Uighers have been in the news a lot, and their plight has largely been tarnished by the few crackpots in their rnaks now on a Federally funded vacation to some Pacific Island whose complaints about their victimization by the Chinese were rendered hollow by the fact that they choose to fight us in Afghanistan rather than the Chinese in Sinkiang (where they would probably be NEEDED more anyway).

    Since their annexation back into China proper following the Civil War, these people have been oppressed RUTHLESSLY by the Chinese for decades. If you haven’t studied the CCP’s modern policy, I hate to invoke a Godwin variant, but the closest I can find is a mix between the Antebellum South (only WITHOUT the frequently fraternal or close ties that often sprang up between slaves and their masters and WITHOUT any hope for freedom but WITH the abuse and hereditary racism that accompanied it) and Apartheid in South Africa (WITHOUT the limited Democracy running things at the top). Perhaps the closest single analogy is what the Japanese did in Korea from 1895-1945. And it isn’t pretty.

    What basically happened is that the CCP has begun to forcibly ship Han Chinese into these regions (often without their consent), and they begin to confiscate anything that can possibly be of any use whatsoever, and they begin to “redistribute” it to “Chinese” owners with themselves taking a generous cut, in the idea that the Han Chinese will now go out and paternally employ the regional minority etc. etc. etc.

    Now, this alone isn’t too far out from the old Soviet playbook, but here’s where it gets even worse.

    As the process goes on, the CCP keeps sending IN more Han Chinese and begins instituting radical demands with forcing the minority to assimilate. Now, to Conservative ears, this may sound OK, but this is FAR more stringent than even those of us who favor a semi-fortified border and summary deportations are.

    For one, they not only mandate Mandarin as the spoken language, but they begin to BAN the ability to use the native tongue ANYWHERE, even in one’s own home. And THEN they go in and start rounding up those capable of raising a fight on some trifling matter or for some project. A good deal of those taken are never seen again. Sure, some come back, but not nearly enough for the region to regain its strength. And THEN we see widespread violations of the people’s sovereign rights, with their autonomous governing structures, their weapons, their individual possessions, and their ability to petition for redress all either eliminated or GREATLY reduced (indeed, this part has happened even in the old Han heartland of China).

    And should you be Brave/Stupid/Suicidal enough to protest?

    Well, off to zhe Gulag for Yu, Yu reactionary Islamist fundamentalist and terrorist against zhe party’s authoritah!

    Or, if you are a Tibetan , than ties to “radical” or “orthodox” Buddhist “terror” groups and and also locked up.

    The thing is that these charges are so utterly fabricated that the CCP was utterly SURPRISED that an ACTUAL Tibetian extremist confessed to a set of ACTUAL crimes that were different from the script that came from Beijing.

    Just like the Soviet “Representatives” elevated crude accusations, the crafting of fanciful conspiracies out of nothing, and meticulously-rehearsed and scripted show trials to a fine art and the Islamists arrest people for allegedly lacing Antiviral medicine with AIDS or one’s own hands with something that causes the “instrument” of someone who shakes your hand to shrink, these charges- more often than not- are either minor or utterly built from the ground up. It is just yet another tool to be used by the Butchers in Beijing of their fine art of population removal.

    But this fact is perhaps even worse than any above: the idea that the Chinese are attempting to suppress a genuine Islamist conspiracy here is flaky at best: if they are doing it, it is only because they are doing so in the course of carrying out their “routine.”

    Even Worse? This violence is more likely than not CAUSED not by the Islamists, but by the oppressive policies Beijing has been inflicting on the civilian populace.

    Don’t believe me?

    Check up modern Tibetian history.

    The damn thing is almost a CARBON COPY of their activities in Sinkiang.

    And yet far too many good and honorable opponents of the Jihad have fallen for the Party’s propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

    The Chinese are not fighting the War on Terror here, or if so are doing it inadvertently, and if anything are likely to make the Islamist presence WORSE, not better.

    But in their logic, that is OK. Why? Because what groups are radical young Uighers who have been driven into the Islamist camp by the traumas of Chinese mistreatment if the Chinese prevent the formation of any Uigher nationalist group?

    That’s right: The international Islamist movements. And where are those movements likely to send those newly-radicalized Uigher recruits?

    That’s right: Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The Chinese regime is cynically manipulating the situation to ethnically cleanse minority groups while at the same time making any rebels their abusive policies generate OUR problem instead of theirs.

    And here you are, along with many others, TOOTING THEIR HORN FOR THEM.

    Pieper, I apologize if I seem harsh, but I have seen far too many shoot off about this situation without knowing much about it, and who ultimately are carrying water for an illegitimate and unworthy regime without even knowing it because of the extremely clever way Beijing plays on our all-too-real fears to defend their own conduct.

    But I believe it would be best to stop and examine the situation and its history before commenting more.

    The CCP has its own propagandists. Let them sell their spin. You, on the other hand, should not.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   07/10/2009  at  04:11 PM  

  2. Turtler,
    Thank You.

    You are right and I must confess I did not do any research at all on the background or even who these ppl are.  It was enuff for me to know they’re muslims and I read no further then the headlines.  Perhaps I need to work on that.
    Can we always be certain that the Chinese are always lying about everything?

    I must say though, I don’t worry overmuch about the ppl in power as regards what they do in their own backyard.  I mean, their internal affairs are surely their business, even if we don’t agree with or favor that form of govt. for ourselves.  Look how ballistic some of us get (yeah, me especially) when some foreigner insists we do things (Gitmo?) that’s more acceptable to Europeans. None of their business. Our problems are best solved in ways that work for us.  And so I see the Chinese doing likewise.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   07/11/2009  at  08:49 AM  

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