Chess Problem #299


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/20/2012 at 09:01 AM   
  1. I’m not much of a chess player, and this one seems a little obvious, so I’m probably missing something here, but how about

    Qg7ch ... Qxg7
    Pxg7ch ... Kg8
    Ne7ch winning the rook at c8

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   03/20/2012  at  12:33 PM  

  2. I must be reading this wrong; this one looks too easy.

    1. Nd6 - this is a quad fork, although the king is not in check. 2 pawns (one is a nasty check) a Rook and a Bishop are at risk. What will Black do ? ...

    * If Black takes down the Knight with his Queen, she is a goner from either Rook. Killing the Black Queen with the d8 Rook looks best, and then White can take down Black’s pieces one at a time. Black wins after ... about a dozen moves perhaps?

    * If Black tries to save the Bishop, moving it to c6 or further, then White instantly mates with 2. Nf7++ Black can’t move the King due to White’s Queen, and his Queen is now pinned, thus he can’t make that move, so it’s mate.

    * If Black tries to save the Rook at c8 by moving it out, probably to c6 to make a threat on the Knight, then White takes the corner Rook with his Rook, 2. Rxa8. Now Black is down a Rook, and WILL be down a Bishop (or his Queen and mate if he’s stupid). Pretty sure 1 Knight is worth less than a Rook plus a Bishop. A merry chase ensues, but at the end I’m pretty sure White wins.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/20/2012  at  12:59 PM  

  3. CenTex - that works pretty good, though I think it would be smartest for the Black King to knock off the g7 pawn to make his escape in move 2. W Knight will take B Rook, B Rook will take W Knight, W Rook will take B Knight, and Black will have only a Bishop vs White’s 2 Rooks; Black will soon have no pawns and White will win.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/20/2012  at  01:08 PM  

  4. Drew, if I’m figuring this out right, the king can’t take the g7 pawn in move 2 because the pawn is protected by the white knight at f5. The king’s only move is to g8.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   03/20/2012  at  01:56 PM  

  5. My goof, I meant at move 3.

    Although escaping then isn’t the best move, killing the W.Knight is. Black is doomed, so he may as well get what points he can.

    3)W.Knight takes B.Rook, B.Rook takes W.Knight,
    4)W.Rook takes B.Rook, Kf8 to try and cover the Bishop.
    5)Rd1 to d6, ...

    White now has 2 Rooks against Black’s Bishop. White soon wins, after killing off pawns while chasing the bishop around.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/20/2012  at  02:51 PM  

  6. ok - makes sense

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   03/20/2012  at  04:37 PM  

  7. I’m with Tex on this one his analysis is good.  On your move Drew:

    1. Nd6 --- Black will play 1. ...  Rc8xRd8

    If the White Knight now takes bishop or f7 pawn then White can recapture with the Queen.  If he takes the b7 pawn he has gotten a pawn but trading the knight for a rook like Tex suggests is a better move.

    Posted by Wes    United States   03/20/2012  at  06:10 PM  

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