CENTCOM Briefing


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/23/2006 at 04:39 PM   
  1. I just don’t understand the alliance with the Islamic extremist terrorists - since they will kill 90% of the liberal left once the Righteous Caliphate is established here in the ‘former’ USA. I do understand the alliance with anyone not conservative - look closely at the activist/’progressive’ groups, their BODs, Founders and their alliances - it reads like a whos who of socialist and communist party affilates and has beens.

    I guess when you combine these types of leanings with BDS you can align yourself and allow yourself to be duped, used, and fauxphoto hornsnoggled by the Islamicfacist extremist terrorists.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/23/2006  at  04:48 PM  

  2. Mind you, should they actually pull this s^*%, do you not think THAT might not just finally pull us together? Or do you think there are enough of the “peace at any price” pukes that it wouldn’t make the American people just a wee tad upset?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/23/2006  at  04:55 PM  

  3. Wardmama, those “activist/progressive” groups would ally with the devil himself, as long as the objective was to destroy the United States.  That is their one, their ONLY goal, from the ACLU upward, and that is their motivation for sleeping with the Islamic terrorists. 

    And don’t expect them to look ahead to the “what-happens-after.” The idea of living under an Islamic regime is completely beyond their grasp.  You could tell them point-blank that an Islamic regime would execute most or all of them, and you would only get a blank-out.  You need only try it to see that it’s true.

    It isn’t only because they have (and want to have) no idea of what an Islamic regime (or any other totalitarian regime, for that matter) is all about.

    They cling to their desperate old delusion, crystallized during the Children’s Crusade of the 1960’s.  The bedrock of the contemporary leftist canon, left over from Stalinist propaganda, is the notion that America is the source of all evil in the world (a convenient ground to share with the Islamists).  They always believed, and they still believe, that they need only destroy the United States, and all the evil in the world will instantly be solved, and they will all live happily ever after.

    Try to tell them what would actually happen?  Blank-out.  Try to explain the nature of the real evil in play?  Blank-out. 

    Try to impress upon them the idea of a logical and linear progression of events?  Blank-out.

    Try to explain cause-and-effect relationships?  Blank-out.  Try to get them to think above the level of bumper stickers and slogans?  Blank-out.

    And the blank-out is contrived and deliberate.  That is what makes these specimens so dangerous.  The ordinary fool cannot help himself.  These specimens have made a religion out of it. 

    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/23/2006  at  07:00 PM  

  4. ...and the Drive by Media (thank you Rush) loves it.  Ever since Viet Nam, American media has made it’s living bashing America.  They just don’t think America can do justly in the world - gag - and they’ll go to about any length to prove it.  The Viet Nam war was over 30 years ago, it’s time to change the perspective. 

    I can understand having an opinion, what I can’t understand is letting that opinion get in the way of honest reporting.  One basic belief about the Left in general is that they are rather elitist and do not trust the masses of people to make up their own minds based on facts.

    As far as the Islamists go, I almost wish they’d move up their time table so that any remaining questions about their peaceful intent could be put to rest and we could get on to phase II - Kicking Islamist Ass - whenever, however and wherever we find them.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/23/2006  at  09:17 PM  

  5. "Honest and unbiased” reporting is no more. It’s all about entertainment, ratings, and circulation. In other words . . . it’s about the dollar. They found out that they could influence opinion (again . . . it seems they forgot the “yellow” journalism period) and they’re milking it for all they are worth. One must also remember that if the editors and upper management like what you write (helps if it sells papers or air time) then the paycheck gets larger also. ( I bow to Pavlov on this one)

    Now, couple this with the fact that most of the people at the top of those organizations are all from the liberal persuasion (educated by some of our finest institutions of learning) and are wholly obsessed with the idea that there is a nobler way of conducting affairs and that they should be the ones to dictate how we should deal with this situation. . . if you can’t see where that one takes you then we need to talk about some swamp land down here on the Sabine River.

    Yep, you got it . . . if we just develop communication with them and show real concern for their paradigm, we can just all get along and they will tell ALL of us what to do and when to do it. The only problem with that is the fact that if the terrorists do wind up taking us down, then the “intelligentsia” will be the first to say goodbye.

    Personally, I’m keeping my powder dry and digging for facts.

    Posted by bowshot4    United States   10/24/2006  at  01:49 AM  

  6. I agree with all of you wholeheartedly - what I just can’t get around is with all the FACTS out there (Great Society/Afirmative Action - failure; Welfare - failure; Communism - millions killed, most countries failed, those left are in poverty - failure; socialism - Sweden - prime example that it fails from within; abortion - failure; embroynic stem cell - failure, despite Michael Fox et al promising future possible maybe success)how they can even want to defend it. What brings on that blank out, resort to personal invictives, denial? I just don’t understand that - in his book Unholy Alliance, David Horowitz shows how the Communist supporters just trudged on after the horrors of the Soviet Union were exposed and in the 60s became anti-Communist communists - claiming that all the failed communist/socialist nations weren’t ‘real’ communist/socialist nations. DUH! is all I can say. Say Anything to deny reality, that is what I don’t get.

    While I don’t think America has been all she could have been, is all she can be or may never be all she can be - I’ve lived overseas - I read about the current World happenings and I KNOW America is the best going and I have proof -

    All these morons working so hard to subvert, subjugate, and subdue everything America is and stands for - live here, not in their ‘paradises’ of communist/socialist nations.

    Just don’t know, if they are so truly stupid to believe that somehow/someway they will be able to survive, rule or control the out-of-control chaotic anarchy they are secretly (and not so secretly in some cases) aiding and abetting? Or is their BDS so extreme and severe that they wantonly don’t care, except that whatever they do is NOT President Bush?

    Have no fear - my youngest daughter had an epiphiany in Global Politics the other day while discussing the UN - she is switching her major to Political Science to get to the UN to fix it from within. There is Hope for America yet. 5’5’ of take no prisoners in your face conservatism!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/24/2006  at  09:17 AM  

  7. "Restoring the historic caliphate” Shame they are bogged down in Iraq and Afgan with there sneek attacks on two of the finest armys in the World, just add a few more 000 to the green plan, that felt fucking good useing the words, Bogged down and sneek, on the enemy,
    tongue wink

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   10/24/2006  at  11:24 AM  

  8. The caliphate has been rather in disrepair since the last Ottoman sultan was chased out of the Sublime Porte.

    I often wonder what the late T.E. Lawrence would think about our current Middle Eastern mess.  And incidentally, if you never read his Seven Pillars of Wisdom, then do so as quickly as possible.  His insights into the Arabic mind are formidable, and they grow no less timely with the passage of the years.

    cool hmm

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/24/2006  at  08:03 PM  

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