Cash 4 Clunkers: FAIL


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/09/2009 at 10:11 PM   
  1. GM did not do too well did they? the siverado is a good truck, the cobalt is a rebadged vauxhall astra (and half the price) nice to see Ford doing so well, the GMs, other than the 2 mentioned have awful build quality, as do chrysler, where will this story go?

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/09/2009  at  10:41 PM  

  2. All this was was another bone thrown to the UAW.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   08/09/2009  at  11:25 PM  

  3. Wonderful. More needless fluff.

    Hey guys, no pressure, we are just walking on the road to the forth world war, so NO PRESSURE.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   08/10/2009  at  04:13 AM  

  4. A Patriot & Caliber will get 28-32 mpg depending on drivetrain.

    Posted by gdonovan    United States   08/10/2009  at  04:21 AM  

  5. While I agree with you 100% that America can’t afford this ‘government’ entitlement to get the basics (whatever happened with just getting a damn job?) - I found an article on a great place to begin to cut healthcare costs to the point - it would no longer be a crisis. Stay with me now.

    Via -
    -’The Federation for American Immigration Reform’s Director of Special Projects Jack Martin told that illegal immigrants cost federal and state governments an estimated $10.7 billion a year in healthcare spending, including the cost of so-called “anchor babies” — children born to illegal immigrant parents in U.S. hospitals.

    Those babies are technically U.S. citizens, but Martin pointed out that taxpayers would never have had to pay their mothers’ medical bills if they had not entered the U.S. illegally.

    Each anchor baby costs taxpayers about $10,000 on average, according to Martin, and these costs are paid through Medicaid. ‘-

    So the healthcare costs are being driven up by 10.7 billion a year - by non-citizens who are in this country illegally - Fix it - Deny anyone not a citizen - any medical care - without cash up front. . .
    Then move onto education - Pay Up Front or get out.
    Then Criminal Justice/Prison - Reduce any Aid to the Country of Origin by the Amount these Multi-criminal Criminals are costing our Criminal/Justice/Prison system (Police, Courts and Prisons)
    No Welfare, No Food Stamps, Make Sending Dineros back to the Homeland cost prohibitive and make it cost prohibitive to rent, lease or buy a home/apt. And arrest/deport ‘em as you find ‘em.
    [See here for a cost analysis - bottom line each illegal costs American taxpayers $55,000. And tell me - exactly how would you be able to use that money - not to mention the reduction in crime, disease (please read the wonderful ‘cured’ diseases these people are returning to our country) and the additional problems/costs of just plain adding to the ‘entitlement’ culture in America]

    And then watch them self-deport back to their homelands.

    I have had one car bought for me - the first one - simply because my mom bought a car for my brother who was hitchhiking home from college - it cost $2400. As of this point, we have not bought a single car for any of our children. You as a person, as a young person growing into a civic, social and patriotic adult - garner more and respect more that which you earn from the sweat of your brow or creative synaptic functions of your brain - than that which is given to you.

    But then the Community Organizer in Chief has no respect for much of anything at all and no desire to elevate the downtrodden but rather tear down those who are successful at what they do - makes one wonder how anyone in sports, finance, or hollyweird can support this moron - unless they are bigger morons - or believe that he will protect them simply because of their support. And isn’t that protectionism at it’s worst?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/10/2009  at  08:44 AM  

  6. Wardmama ( paraphrased: ) Take away the handouts and watch them leave!

    Exactly.  Take away the incentives to illegals, and that’s usually enough that they won’t want to stay, but I like some of the other ideas you came up with!

    I’d only modify one slight bit of your statement:  Deny anyone not a legal resident (not just citizens).  Legal residents work within the law and immigration structure which is onerous and costly already.  I did it for seven years while living in the U.S. Midwest, and every year I went through the renewal of my 1 year permit through the INS (now USCIS) Northern Processing Center in Lincoln Nebraska.

    I wouldn’t have dreamed of working without the proper permit:  Just.  Not.  Done.  (Then again, I AM Canadian and we’re supposed to be polite and orderly about that sort of thing.) wink

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/10/2009  at  05:45 PM  

  7. C4C is WORSE than fail…

    (1) It artificially pushed down the price people are willing to pay for a car, while simultaneously pushing UP the price by generating artificial demand.

    (2) It pulled 18-24 months of demand into a 2-3 month period TOPS.  Anyone who’s been thinking of buying a car in the next year or two got the “better do it NOW” bug and did.  What will this do to the economy later?

    (3) With unemployment rising, banks teetering, what’s going to happen when people lose their jobs and the reposessions start?

    (4) Emissions?  SURELY you jest!  Making a new car adds several TONS of pollution to the atmosphere, making a car actually pollutes more than driving it for several years.  Then there’s all the pollution from disposal - lead in batteries, etc.  One of the best things you can do for the environment is “recycle” a car by keeping it tuned and running as long as possible.

    (5) Economics again - by forcing destruction - shredding - of all the trades, we’ve also removed them from the used-car market.  This will drive up the price of other used cars, by limiting supply.

    (6) More economics:  The engines were wrecked.  Junkyards therefore can’t sell them, and the price of used engines also shot way up.  Further, junkyards have to shred them within 6 months, cutting down the number of non-engine parts that can be recycled.  Again, the supply of these parts will skyrocket with these removed from the market.

    (7) Pollution?  All the poorer people - who would have bought a used car to replace their blue-smoke-blowing REAL clunker will now be forced to keep driving it far longer than they would have if the used cars had been available, or parts to repair, or the used engines, or…

    (8) Again with the economics… The poorest - who have no car to go to work - would have been able to use these cars, but… Wrecked engines then shredded.  Now they can’t even buy the smoke-blowers since the current owners are forced to keep them longer.

    I could go on, but this should be enough to show how horribly stupid this whole thing was.  Whatever minor economic benefit may have been gained is more than undone by the stupidity.  Wait and see—you’re going to see RECORD LOW car sales in a few months, plants will close all over the country because this artificial demand sucked up sales that would have been made later.  A long, moderately-low cycle is much better than a big spike which then falls to NOTHING - which is what’s going to happen…


    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   08/10/2009  at  11:13 PM  

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