Cap & Trade is now more worthlesser


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/09/2009 at 01:35 PM   
  1. Cap and Trade can’t work, but it will do exactly what our Fascist in chief intends it to do.  It will destroy businesses, kill jobs by the millions in all fields, and turn us all into surfs who exist at his pleasure.  It’s nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with control and expressing Obamas deep, toxic, smoldering hatred of all things American and all white people.  Obama couldn’t care less if we all choke to death on carbon.  He is a wanna be fascist dictator and jihadist bastard.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/09/2009  at  05:59 PM  

  2. At this point I wouldn’t mind being a surf. In the timeless words of Woody, “Waste your brain, wax your board, pray for waves.”

    A serf though, I can do without. LOL

    And yes, our Fearless Reader is a right bastard.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/09/2009  at  06:39 PM  

  3. surf. lol.  sorry about that.  long day,

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/09/2009  at  08:12 PM  

  4. Ah C(r)ap and Trade(off) apparently is being pushed back until after the August recess - We The People need to keep up - or they will sneak it by us.

    I’m not sure if they are concentrating on the Kennedy Free (wink,wink) Healthcare for All, Illegals First bill - which is going to also go down in smoke and flames - or now that the G* failed to come through, have a plausible excuse to avoid it for the moment.  The Obama care is also in trouble most especially as 1) Our Fearless Reader’s numbers are starting to go down - he is below 50% in OH now and I’m sure other states. [Aside, my hubby set up a chart - GWBs positive poll numbers compared to Obama’s - Obama has two percentile lines to get to GWBs lowest (now remember - GWBs numbers are for 8 years and Obama is only at 6 months) and oh yeah I do not think that Obama will hit GWBs highest number (ever) which was September 12, 2001 - close to 100% - it should be an interesting experiment]
    2) More and More Citizens are reading the previously passed garbage legislation and seeing what has been porked, earmarked, snuck and cleverly worded into these illegal, un-Constitutional and grossly expensive pos ‘bills’
    3) What is more personal and more individual than ones health care decisions - I do not want Father Obama in any part, aspect of or capable of viewing, reviewing or invading my medical care/situation/decisions. At.All.EVER. - and I think more and more people are joining that thought process.

    This should be interesting - I think Our Fearless Reader is going to go down in flames - big time and much, much faster than anyone ever expected. He is a putz, a fake empty suit and he doesn’t qualify for State Senator (remember he got there by eliminating his competition not by values, debate, and performance) much less POTUS.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/10/2009  at  09:38 AM  

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