Can they Say That in LA?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/20/2007 at 03:50 PM   
  1. I can see one of three things happening.

    1) People are going to get sick of the 19 months of hot air, gas, and other noxious emissions from candidates of all political persuasions.  By the time the election comes around, the voters, having tuned out all of the banterings will tune out the election as well, resulting in a low turnout and likely democratic wins.

    2) People are going to get sick of the 19 months of hot air, gas, and other noxious emissions from candidates of all political persuasions.  Incumbents of both parties may find it hard to hold onto their congressional seats because the voters want real change after 2 years of garbage.  Republicans because of their spinelessness, democrats because of their idiocy.

    3) People are going to get sick of the 19 months of hot air, gas, and other noxious emissions from candidates of all political persuasions.  Voters will turn out in record numbers.  Democrats will be screaming fraud every chance they get.  Republicans will have to fight in court for every seat they pick up.  Voters will wonder why they even bothered to go to the polls.

    I suppose a 4th situation could be that voters turn out in record numbers, and nobody challenges the result, but I really don’t see that happening.

    What is real sad about this whole thing is that by the time the election is here, people will have heard more garbage in 19 months than was ever spewed in the last 20 years all added up.  And in the background, the enemies of this country make their plots and plans and wait for the moment to strike.  I’m really afraid for this country.

    Posted by John C    United States   03/20/2007  at  03:34 PM  

  2. Is “Obama the Magic Negro” the same as “Puff the Magic Dragon?” I can’t wait for his cartoon show on CBS.

    Posted by rudebadger    United States   03/20/2007  at  04:43 PM  

  3. Why do these white liberals get a pass on such racist remarks???
    Is the Hildabeast the Magic Cracker???
    Who is the Magic Mexican Jumping Bean,
    Bill Richardson??
    Let’s offend everyone, even the Irish!!!!


    Posted by stan    United States   03/20/2007  at  08:00 PM  

  4. John C tragically I see #1 as being the ultimate end to this - which is exactly what the dnc wants. This drivel is so bad, I hardly turn on the news anymore. . .just listening to the ‘updates’ on the radio while I listen to Rush - makes me want to puke by the end of the 3 hours. . .

    And that is what the DNC is counting - beating those of us who will vote against them over the head over and over again with the stupid, inane and boring until we don’t bother. But I will never let their tactics, their money, or their claims take away my right as an American to vote against them each and every time I have a chance.

    Remember - the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/21/2007  at  09:52 AM  

  5. and the Times can’t figure out why readership is dropping faster than Clintons pants in a roomful of interns.  The MSM can’t stop itself from showing their growing irrelavance.

    Posted by DixieKraut    United States   03/21/2007  at  07:36 PM  

  6. Hey did you catch the news - the ‘Magic Negro’ was behind the doctored 1984 Hillary ads -;_ylt=AiVH41.N2dmYNdgHZ_C8Xu3MWM0F

    this is going to get real ugly (btw, did we hear for Hillary to fire/explain the outing of Obama’s church to any degree in the msm? No, why is that? Could it be (gasp) media bias? The horrors of it)

    The Silent Majority of America better damn well wake up, say Enough and Vote in 2008 or there just might not be an America to worry about after that.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/22/2007  at  08:37 AM  

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