can no longer say, you could not make it up, cos you could. nothings off limits anymore


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/27/2014 at 01:54 PM   
  1. What is the difference between what is happening today and living under hitler.  Under all areas controlled by hitler, people were required to show their papers upon demand.  They were not allowed to criticize the govt or any protected class, or even comment on the war negatively, lest they were sent to jail, or a work camp.  Things like hate speech, defeatism, and on and on when committed by hitler were seen as evil and tyrannical.  Yet here, today, in a democratic society of supposed FREE people, we are being treated not much differently than the bad days under hitler. 

    What happened to the old saying “stick and stones will break my bones but names will never harm me”?  Now, every thin-skinned is a victim of hate and the law will prosecute those that speak their minds.  It will not be too long now, where if given the choice, I would choose to live under hitler than our current govt. 

    The old saying, “It’s a free country” used to quoted all the time.  Busy bodies would tell others they can’t say this or do that, and the response was why not, it’s a free country.  That is what made democracies GREAT.  Now, they are becoming the very thing they were supposed to fight against.  That is what communism/socialism is.  When there is no victim, there should be no crime.  And being an over sensitive moron does not make you a victim. 

    Marx is laughing in his grave, and great men like our Founding Fathers, or Winston Churchill are crying.  Of course, what do they know, they are all just bigoted racists, and evil greedy white men, so who cares what they think.

    I fear for our country.  Our greatest generation did their part to stop this nonsense once, and it worked, and we had the greatest expansion of freedom and wealth ever seen.  The torch has been passed and here we are today, with not enough people willing or able to do what our grandparents did to hitler.  We either fight this and rid the world of this nonsense or we accept it.  There is no doing nothing.  The tide is either rising or falling.  If we fight it, we can stop it.  If we do not, then socialism and communism will creep up and take over.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   10/27/2014  at  02:44 PM  

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