British World War Two propaganda artworks


Posted by peiper    United States   on 06/17/2012 at 03:30 AM   
  1. I have always thought that one reason that the liberal/leftists/dems stopped this type of inclusion (all the people of the Nation) is that they don’t want ‘the stupid masses’ to know how popular some of these decisions REALLY are. Postage (3 cent WIN THE WAR Stamps from WWII, not to mention ration cards, and the posters to ‘recycle’ (hmm, does that mean that the WWII war effort was ahead of the environmentalists on saving the planet by recycling?!?) all involved everyone in the war effort beyond those just in uniform. I saw USA today on Friday - The ‘Whatever’ War (i.e.Afghanistan) as the headline for a ‘news’ story (in reality probably an op-ed piece on the front page pretending to be news. What a juvenile and snarky way to portray the young Armed Forces putting their lives on the line to fight this war against people who killed 3000 innocent people on 9/11. Of course The Big O has hobbled our soldiers and then increased their numbers - so it’s become a big disaster over there - but the Big O doesn’t care - just makes more rooms for illegals or the special interest group of the day to get a job or place in college.

    November can’t come fast enough.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/17/2012  at  08:54 AM  

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