Bribes Not Bullets? Or just more bullshit?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/07/2009 at 12:19 PM   
  1. No single act the Obama administration has done has so revealed how naive and utterly complacent the West’s world view has become.

    Um, newsflash you idiots, but this has changed next to NOTHING, and the “War and Terror” is still very much alive.

    The Administration and many of its fellow travellers (and a bunch of other miscellaneous swine, like the Paultards) think that the war will end as soon as the US declares it is over, because, after all,

    Do you really think the Sand Niggers have the power to fight us unless we go into THEIR COUNTRIES and MURDER them?

    (paraphrased, yes, but relatively accurate). The problem is that Bush’s mentioning of the War on Terror was less of a declaration of it as it was a recognition of what was already in place. The fact remains that to end a war, both sides must realize it is over. And the Islamists know better than ourselves that this is not the case.

    Germany was at war with the US for over thirty one years out of the first fifty in the past century, and only six of those years were times of openly declared war. The Islamists have been at it longer, and are willing to go even further.

    Those who do not recognize the past shall be trapped in a future not of their making. And that is where the West appears to be heading now.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   08/07/2009  at  05:59 PM  

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