breast feeding as make believe activity for gender neutral boys? sick and stupid adults of the left


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/15/2014 at 05:43 AM   
  1. Oh crap, another one!  I heard about a case like this a couple of years ago.  Both the parents and the kid came across as such insane freaks, I couldn’t imagine that anyone would ever try it again.

    I can think of all kinds of ways boys and girls can get along with each other and respect each other.  None of them involve trying to mentally neuter your kid.  That’s mutilation, not liberation.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/15/2014  at  07:36 AM  

  2. These parents are in the same class as a women on the show - My Cat From Hell - who took her lap dog for ‘walks’ in a stroller, washed his feet the second he came back into the house (he’d been in the grass to do his ‘business’ you know), dressed him in clothes and fed him with a spoon - she was upset as her daughter’s cat beat the crap out of the dog.

    Sick sad people who AREN’T working through their own sick, sad problems and foisting them on the nearest living person or animal.

    And Martin needs to grow a pair and not let his wife turn them into a couple of eunuchs - unable to function but with a raging hatred of women (see - umm any male serial killer)

    I tried that gender crappola (before I escaped Kalifornia, before I became too soft) - the Joey (All in the Family) anatomically correct doll for the son - got declothed and became the bottom of the toy chest giggle inducer when friends came to play - until I found his clothes, dressed him and got rid of him. The tool belt for the daughter wrecked two door jams (they were real tools) before I confiscated them and got rid of them. Social experiments are the idle playground dreck from sick, pervert liberal minds.

    And should never be done on human beings. At. All. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/15/2014  at  08:48 AM  

  3. I’ll go along with a lot of things, especially if there’s a real benefit involved.  In this one, it’s been tried.  Personal identity is stunted.

    I don’t care if you put it in scientific terms or wax poetic about the good old days when kids were raised with a Bible and a hickory stick.  Gender neutral doesn’t work.  It’s similar to trying to reprogram a boy to be a girl.

    Many years ago, there was an awful accident while a pair of twins were being circumcised.  One lost more than his foreskin.  It was decided by his doctor and parents to perform SRS surgery on him and raise him as a girl.  This included removing the testicles, so that he had no remaining male genitalia. 

    The doctor monitored his progress growing up and administered/prescribed female hormones.  The parents worked night and day to treat him as a girl, giving him girls dolls, cute dresses, etc.

    It failed. 

    Ultimately, he committed suicide.  Screwing with the most basic instincts we are born with is a recipe for disaster.  We can learn to deal with the instincts in a mostly civilized manner, but we cannot deny them.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/15/2014  at  09:24 AM  

  4. I guarantee you, this kid will be screwed up when he gets older.  Not only are they denying his inner instincts, they are denying him the ability to be able to adapt and be accepted by society as a whole.  The idea is to start programming him to fit into society.  When little Maxi gets older, society will expect him to fit into a certain category, and he will be unable.  Girls that are looking for a suitable boyfriend and ultimately, a husband, will look for a certain set of traits, and little Maxi will not fill the bill, and will be passed over.  Maxi, as he gets older, will realize that the way he was raised has made him unable to fit into the norms of society and will not be accepted, except by his parents.  After wanting more than just the acceptance of his mother and father, he will realize, he is an outsider and an outcast.  Being we all want to be accepted and loved, Maxi will realize his parents screwed him up good, and will blame them.  He will end up lonely and afraid, kill his parents and spend his life in prison, or kill himself.

    I will take any bets against me being right.  I am positive, if this continues, Max will end up anything but happy.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   02/15/2014  at  12:01 PM  

  5. So, thats how you build a Psychological Hermaphrodite.
    I always wondered how that worked.
    puke  crazy

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/15/2014  at  12:58 PM  

  6. In any sane nation, this would be seen as child abuse.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/15/2014  at  01:05 PM  

  7. Behold the next school shooter in it’s larval state.  The parents should be neutered and lobotomized.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   02/15/2014  at  03:12 PM  

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