Bowling Math


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/29/2013 at 08:36 AM   
  1. Awesome dude! You really put the work in here, and figured out what nobody else could bother to figure out in 10+ years. And built in every detail, right down to vacancies. And if the knotheads listen to you, you could save their bacon and be a real localized hero. Not that they will, but you put the effort in. High end math and spreadsheets, and you’re not even an accountant. Well done, that blogger.

    So yay Drew. Have yourself a drink. And another one. And then two more while dinner cooks. and then another when you start watching TV while telling your wife what you built, only to have her pick up the phone and dial her sister in the middle of your tale.  Because really, it’s just shit. That nobody could care less about. And you’ve wasted hours. Daft bugger. So have another one, on the rocks. Because nobody else gets it. They never have. This is news? Not really. Been like that all yer damn life. One more Famous Grouse on teh rocks, comingup!

    So, what’s on teh tube? Another stale old episode of Torchwood? ‘numptious little Welshie, snuggy but can’ act for shite , but the rest of the cast is fuggin’ strange! And QUEER. Hey, there’s a new Bridge. And a new epi of The White Queen. Helluva body on that girl, my God what a set, flows like water when she lies back. Softer than kittens, you bet. Gorgeous blonde plus freckles! And she’s almost a ginge, and hair down to her arse crack! Better watch that ep when the wife’s not around! grin

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/29/2013  at  07:36 PM  

  2. Pretty bad when YOU are the only one commenting on your own Bowling thread Dude.
    cool grin  cool grin  cool grin  cool grin  cool grin  cool grin

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/01/2013  at  11:13 PM  

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