Bohica, Bohica …


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/11/2008 at 04:01 PM   
  1. I propose an amendment to the constitution.  I lack the proper “legal” language skills, but the amendment would go something like this:

    The people shall have the right to terminate a senatorial or representative term outside of the normal election period, subject to the following conditions:

    1) A petition to remove a representative or senator, containing signatures of 10% of the registered voters shall be considered grounds to start the removal process.  The normal laws regarding citizen submissions of petitions and ballot measures shall be followed.  States not having appropriate laws for this process will enact such laws within 90 days of the amendment becoming law.

    2) The petition shall be acted upon by the governor of the state, or if the governor fails to act within 10 days of receiving the petition, the state legislature shall convene and act upon the petition.  Action on this petition will include immediate daily publication of the content of the petition, setting a date for the special election, and collecting names of those who wish to fill the proposed vacant office.

    3) Potential candidates will have 21 days to submit their names for the proposed vacated office. 

    4) This election shall be held not more than 45 days plus the next part of the week until the following Tuesday (a period of not more than 6 additional days) from the date the petition is received by the governor.  This election will consist of 2 parts:  a) The voter answers a simple yes or no question regarding the removal of the elected official, and b) The voter will choose a candidate to replace the elected official. 

    5) Election results will be as follows:  a) Removal of the current official is determined by simple majority.  b) The new candidate will be chosen by whomever receives the most votes.

    6) In the event that the current official is removed from office by the majority of the voters, the governor shall declare that seat vacated on the Friday morning following the election, and the candidate winning the seat shall be sworn in within 7 days. 

    7) Not more than 2 such special elections can be held in a calendar year.  Each election may contain one or more considerations for removal and replacement.

    8) The governor, legislature, and courts shall not have discretion to tamper with or impede this process. 

    OK, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but I am sick and tired of our elected officials screwing us over and winning the standard election knowing we will be forgetting their treasonous actions.  If a governor can appoint someone to take over a congressional seat in the event of death, resignation, etc., he should have the ability to vacate that seat when authorized by those who elected them in the first place.  In many places, that is known as a recall.  Obviously, there has to be some limitations, or people would be constantly working to remove people days after the proper election simply because they are sore losers.  However, if these jackasses in Washington knew they could be fired for poor performance, maybe they would do a better job of representing their constituents.

    I know, it will never happen, but it’s nice to dream a little.

    Posted by John C    United States   06/11/2008  at  06:49 PM  

  2. Great idea John, but you left out the public flogging part.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/11/2008  at  06:55 PM  

  3. I should have also put in there that “fired” congresscritters lose all benefits, pensions and any other perk they got while in office.

    Posted by John C    United States   06/11/2008  at  07:28 PM  

  4. Love the bit about doubling since the Dhimms took over, yet they all blame Bushitler.

    He can’t do much except sign or veto what they send him.

    This is what people need to know—apparently they never watched “schoolhouse rock” on Saturday…


    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   06/11/2008  at  07:31 PM  

  5. It’s amazing how after years of being in big oil pockets, refusing to demand higher millage vehicles, and basically kowtowing to big oil’s every whim, the Rs now want to blame their irresponsibleness on the Ds. And how? By demanding to rape the earth to further line the pockets of those that have kept them in office. The reason new drilling and new refineries hasn’t happened is partly due to the fact that oil as been historically cheaper to import. Now that it’s gone out the roof and they’re flushed with massive quantities of cash, they want to extend their remaining days bleeding the earth for all they can get. The thing is, ANWR will not lower the price by any significant amount and it’s a short term mini fix. It’s interesting that treehugging Arnold and Zeb discouraged drilling offshore in Florida and California. What’s up with that? By the way, who killed the electric car?

    Posted by andy42302    United States   06/11/2008  at  09:01 PM  

  6. Yet another reason why the Demo☭RATS are unfit to govern this country.

    Posted by Macker    United States   06/11/2008  at  10:08 PM  

  7. So Pelosi thinks that ‘creating’ a committee (yeah, right it is going to be bi-partisan) to -’ use the panel to “gather state-of-the-art scientific research, focus public attention on these urgent issues, and support the work of the authorizing committees” charged with writing actual legislation over the next six months.’- Which means - do nothing for at least 6 months (why, why that is December - right after Obamanation is elected and then, and then the 110th Do Less Than Nothing Congress just might write (not pass mind you) some legislation that might address the problem.

    Former Speaker Newt Gingrich came up with a better idea - Drill Here, Drill Now.

    And andy - tell me how drilling our own, making our own will not be cheaper (in the long run and if the enviro wackos had not stopped it decades past - would we even be here now) than letting 13 countries - among which are Iran, Venezuela and Libya - set the price of oil in the World?

    Comparing the oil drilling of today (not one of the Gulf of Mexico wells ‘spilled’ after hurricane Katrina) to spills, spews and methods of 30 to 100 years ago is not a reason to justify throwing the American economy into destruction - nor throwing American society backward a couple of centuries. . .

    And this whole mess is not only a reason for Term Limits (via Constitutional Amendment, since the Congresscritters aren’t ever going to police themselves) - but also for a Constitutional Amendment to have all bills be stand alone - stop this practice of adding amendments (and after vote changes) that add earmarks, pork and other issues that the average American has no clue as to what has been passed and when.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/12/2008  at  10:33 AM  


    Posted by cmblake6    United States   06/12/2008  at  12:20 PM  

  9. cmblake6 - unfortunately I think that fiberals, leftists and bds sufferers are going to push this socialism, fascism, communism and all the other OneGlowBallWorld united for peace, love and understanding bs - of course also justice and equality for all - but of course due to oppression, poverty, racism and Shia Law - some will be more equal than others - until those of us who took the oath or love someone(s) who did to the point of having to stand up and stomp their pathethic, lying, hypocritical and power-mad pc whining a**es into the dirt.

    Of course they are so stupid that they are fearing a made up computer scam pushed forth by a failed politician over a bunch of radical islamic terrorists who threatened to kill them daily - so they are the essence of clueless. Possibly until it will be too late for America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/13/2008  at  01:29 PM  

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