Bob Dole…John McCain…coincidence?


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/13/2008 at 06:10 AM   
  1. I can’t say I like the idea of amnesty, but…

    I think it was Mrs. du Toit who pointed out the basic bookkeeping of it all. If memory serves, it is that we are very near what is considered “full employment” in this country, i.e. nearly all of those currently unemployed are short-term, between jobs. And that’s with those 12 million illegals HERE, not showing on the rolls.
    Now I’ll grant you, we badly need to secure the borders, north, south and coastal, and we need to have an EFFECTIVE means of chasing down border jumpers. But at the same time I suspect it’s ridiculous to think the cops are gonna manage to catch and either jail or deport 12 million people. Regardless of what we’d LIKE to happen or what would be just.... just thinking in terms of what’s POSSIBLE.
    And if we succeeded.... there would be in the neighborhood of 5 - 10 million jobs NOT BEING DONE, right? Please understand, I don’t for a moment buy into that “they do the jobs no one else wants” bullshit. I know better, I used to be on a construction crew. I know *several* white guys who basically had to change industries and careers because they couldn’t compete with cheap mexican labor. Same goes for a woman I knew running a maid service. They wanted their jobs. Nonetheless, they are now doing something else, they were able to find a market for something else, and yet the jobs they left are still being done. And whatever job those white ex-construction workers et al have now, they aren’t going to go back. So if we’re not letting the central american immigrants do them, we’ll have to make allowances for someone else doing them. The market is there, they will NOT remain long undone.

    I dislike the principle of “giving amnesty”.... but I really don’t think that is at the root of the problem. Our economy is creating a demand for warm bodies that our immigration policy is not allowing us to fill LEGALLY. If the hole wasn’t there, illegals wouldn’t be rushing to fill it. So either our economy needs to be substantially revamped in order to slow that demand, or the citizenship process needs to be seriously speeded up to meet that demand, or us American citizens are gonna start doing without some things if we plan to get rid of 3% of the total workforce.

    Yes, I think legal immigrants should have an advantage over illegals… but at the same time, those how have been here illegally DO have a practical advantage over those coming here for the first time. They have been here getting a working knowledge of how America operates.

    One thing I absolutely think should be done though, is that everything should be English only. It would a) help those trying to learn English as a prerequisite of citizenship, by creating more of an “immersion” environment, b) put some teeth into the idea that English is a “must have” for citizenship,and c) help the immigrants themselves, considering that probably 1/3 of the world’s economy (US, UK, Australia, New Zealand) is based in English. They can’t possibly be truly prepared for an American business environment without being fluent. And yes, that includes doing away with the stupid-ass multilingual forms. If the private sector wants you to “press 1 for English”, that’s their business. The government should use up the ones they have and not print anymore. The other, even more important, biggie is they need to find a way to *reliably* catch them. “An estimated 12 million” speaks of a truly horrible, completely unacceptable success rate in getting those who DO jump the border. Since it’s impossible to make any border 100% tight, that has to be priority 1.

    I don’t like rewarding people for committing crimes.... but doing away with several million of the American workforce and shooting our economy in the foot isn’t a realistic answer, ya know?

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   03/13/2008  at  07:30 AM  

  2. I never know what to think of McCain because he’s all over the place, especially since around 2002-2003 when he made up with George W. and started this procession of ass kissing that has only increased over the last six years. I just don’t know kind of president will he actually be. He keeps trying to sell himself as a conservative, and to a certain extent he is, but he also has the Rommney-esque way of pandering and going over-the-top in his efforts to sound like a righty while appealing to the left and the middle.

    I don’t know. I felt like conservatives has some really crappy choices for president this year. McCain was the strongest in a weak field of weak candidates, but with the way my party is disintegrating because the feminists and the black people are trying to murder one another, McCain might have a pretty good shot as getting to the Oval Office.

    Unless he does something that reminds people he’s 71 in a bad way. I always joke that McCain is one ”Bob Dole falling off a stage” to losing the nomination. McCain cannot afford to fall off a stage, pass out or throw up at a dinner. People will dart and go for their second or third best options rather than nominate a man an old man with the dropsies.

    Posted by black_snob    United States   03/13/2008  at  08:10 AM  

  3. So.

    Yeah, I’m not crazy about Senator McCain either.  I would have preferred Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney - in that order.

    However, the question now before us is:

    Will the next President of the United States be Senator John McCain - pseudo conservative and nominal Republican - or one of two socialist, nanny state closet fascists running under the Democrat banner?

    Take your pick, everyone.  Be sure there are no other viable alternatives (barring something very extraordinary happening).  Ron Paul isn’t going to pull anything out of his hat; Mike Huckabee is another footnote and there just isn’t anyone else.  If we can’t view this as ‘who is best?’ we must consider who is least worst.  Yes, that’s a discouraging way of electing a president, but right now it’s all we have.

    What’ll you have?  Senator McCain or Senator Clinton/Senator Obama?

    Posted by Archie    United States   03/13/2008  at  10:23 AM  

  4. McCain, Clinton, B. Hussein Osama Obama. No difference domestically.

    Unlike Archie, I can’t vote for any of them. The reasons to not vote for any Donkey are obvious. Then we have McCain. I’ll grant that he has some military credentials. Father and grandfather were both navy Admirals. But…

    The ‘but...’ is important. I cannot find much of a difference between McCain and any of the Donks. Domestically, all of them are a disaster, McCain included.

    I just don’t see fighting against Islam if I end up giving up the same freedoms domestically.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/13/2008  at  10:37 AM  

  5. McCain is plenty bad.  McCain Feingold plus his stances on gun control alone are enough to convince me he’s no good.

    Ethically, choosing the lesser of evils stinks.  You’re still choosing evil.  I actually liken it to triage after a particularly nasty battle.  You’re left doing what you can with what’s left.  God help us, but unless there’s some serious horse trading at the Republican convention, McCain is what’s going to be left. 

    I have no doubt that each of them will damage the country in their own way.  Overall, I would score their danger from least to worst:  McCain, Obama, Clinton.  There might not be much of a difference, but there is a difference.  Sometimes practical reality really sucks.
    McCain puke  Obama or Clinton toilet_monster

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/13/2008  at  08:53 PM  

  6. Dr. James Dobson made the statement about “… the lesser of two evils is still evil...”

    Yeah, what that means is, he’s going to allow the greater evil to triumph so he can pretend his hands are clean.  That’s still a sell out and pretty chicken shit to me.  Sometimes one has to shovel crap and it’s looking more and more to me like this is one of those times.

    Senator McCain will be a one term president.  In 2012, we’ll get to do this again; maybe then the conservatives will come out earlier in the game and make some noise.

    I suppose the good news is either Democrat Senator will be a single termer as well.  Hopefully they won’t take the nation down with them.

    We have to work (and contribute) to win back a Republican majority in Congress.  That will at least mitigate the damage - including Supreme Court Justice appointments - no matter who is President.

    Posted by Archie    United States   03/13/2008  at  10:31 PM  

  7. If Hillary wins, she’ll be in office at least 8 years.  Look back at Slick Willie’s time.  Despite all the hypocritical double dealing, despite fumbling Bin Laden and lots of other monumental goofs, people loved him.  Hillary is nowhere near as lovable to most, but she’s probably the biggest conniver we’ve seen since LBJ and a lot less concerned for the good of the country.  I can easily see her finding a way to extend her power past 8 years.  Will she hijack the Constitution for a 3rd term?  Go back to the Senate and wield disproportionate power?  Become a heavyweight lobbyist?  Take your best guess, but if we don’t stop her now, we’re going to have to deal with her for a long time to come.  That “lady” is power hungry. 

    Can you imagine having Janet Reno back in power?  Remember Randy Weaver and the Branch Davidians?  I’m still convinced that those were test runs to see how the public would react to major domestic exercises of governmental power.  I’m still looking for answers as to why the BATF leased some OV-10’s through a front company during the Clinton administration.  They must have some serious No Knock warrants in mind.  Oh, don’t let me forget Elian Gonzalez.  A small child kidnapped at the point of a submachine gun by an armor plated storm trooper and shipped back to Cuba.  Another item on the list is the first World Trade Center Attack.  If it hadn’t been handled as the work of some local nut jobs, those towers might still be standing.  Some commitment to freedom.  I don’t even want to think what she (or Obama for that matter) is likely to do with the Supreme Court.

    I don’t like McCain much more than anyone else here and for much the same reasons, but I just can’t see him being the total disaster that a Democrat would be.

    P.S. I sincerely hope that I haven’t trod on anyone’s toes, but the Clintons corrupted a lot of things and I just don’t want to see their regime come back.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/14/2008  at  01:15 AM  

  8. It’s hard for me to say which I think would be worse between Hussein and Pillory. McCain? I can’t say I care for him, but I can’t imagine him doing the damage either of those two would. At least he occasionally exhibits learning behavior, although I bet there’s a bunch of people connected to him thinking (maybe even saying), “See? I told you this was a bad idea, DUMBASS!” about McCain-Feingold. Where as the two unashamed socialists, well…

    I dunno, to me, socialists are people who have no understanding of history and can’t do simple arithmetic. They complain about how they are getting screwed by __________ rich white businessman, or how too much is being spent and too many people are dying because of _________ war, and I may even agree with them. What they seem to be unaware of is that individuals die and wars end, but government programs go on forever, or at least until that government falls. I won’t contest that Microsoft’s profits are to the point of being obscene, nor argue that we haven’t spent trillions of dollars on Iraq/Afghanistan/etc. that are desperately needed elsewhere. But when “fixing” it involves creating a government program, I remember that we are STILL paying, in lives, in money and in freedom, for the Compromise of *1850* over a century and a half later. Even the British and the French weren’t able to string a war out that long. Even Bill Gates hasn’t been able to make his Eeeville(tm) plans for world domination that eternal.

    I think I need to find out how much money Social Security has taken in vs. how much it has paid out, just as ammo for the next time a socialist complains about “all that money being thrown away on____________”. And government healthcare.... I need to figure out which country I should move to where there will still be decent doctors in *private* practice.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   03/14/2008  at  05:08 AM  

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