Birth Of A Nation


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/19/2015 at 10:02 AM   
  1. Fundamentally Changed,,,,,,Check!
    dickhead  finger

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/19/2015  at  01:30 PM  

  2. racial justice - one of the biggest jokes going in America. Do a DNA test - most Americans are anything less than pure and probably 75% plus of black Americans have Caucasian in them. We had more racial justice in America immediately after the civil war and prior to the Dems taking over the south and from about 1963 until the Obama era.

    I wish that everyone who voted for him - in the hopes of electing a ‘historic’ black president apologies for the destruction - because a communist - no matter the color, is going to be anti-American and will use any way possible to get through anti-American legislation.

    Of course the GOP could have stopped it at any point in this disastrous 6+ years - if they gave a damn. This is simply a coup by our government to destroy America from within.

    There is no justice without a Rule of Law, without truth and without a government treating every citizen the exact same way (you know the old innocent until proven guilty, Justice is blind) - anything else is just powerful petty tyrants picking and choosing the winners of their rule.

    I just wish that 51% of America gave a damn enough to stop it.

    There are only 545 of them - there has to be a way.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/20/2015  at  09:44 AM  

  3. Eventually Обама will want to mix in the Faggots with the Breeders (as the Faggots call us Heterosexuals)!

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/20/2015  at  10:10 PM  

  4. These data bases also probably have to do with The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act - intended to have Federal control over every housing issue (size, location, etc) there is.

    He told us - and people refused to hear it.

    We are so screwed.

    btw, Macker there is a gay guy in the UK who sells his sperm (gasp, like I didn’t get it almost immediately) to lesbians on the Internet (I think it was facebook).

    I mean - no matter what - truth and real science get you in the end.

    Babies are humans created by a man and a woman.

    And the rest is mostly (these days) crappola.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/21/2015  at  07:07 AM  

  5. Forget the racial aspects.  Think how comprehensive the info in the database is.  It will provide the government with a detailed profile of every adult in the country.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/22/2015  at  08:43 AM  

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