Bastille Day terror attack leaves dozens dead in Nice


Posted by Severa    United States   on 07/15/2016 at 04:26 AM   
  1. Okay, I’m going to ask a stupid question.  Why do so many countries and their leaders want to bring in these animals?  I mean seriously, what do they bring to the table?  We are not taking these people away from the third world they live in, we are simply allowing them to bring their third world with them.  This third world, life has no value, mentality comes with these immigrants.  If they get angry, they do not act as civilized people do.  If something upsets them (and a lot of things seem to do just this), or if it confuses them, they simply lash out with violence.  As the old saying goes, you can take someone out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of the person.  Same for these middle eastern people.  They are NOT ready for western society.  If they were, they would take steps to make their own home country like ours.  But they do not want this.  They want everything to keep going as usual, only they want clean water, our resources and free stuff, and lots of new things to get mad about and blow up and destroy. 

    The ONLY reason anyone would bring these people here, is to destroy.  There is no other reason.  So why do our leaders insist on bringing in these animals?  America can only help others if we are strong and have the resources.  If America treasury is drained due to taking care of all these immigrants on every single welfare and housing program out there, and our protectors are so busy at home keeping the peace, how will we have money and manpower to help those outside our borders?  We won’t. 

    This is intentional.  We were told that due to obama’s muslim and black heritage, that America would be a better place, and those of islam and african american decent would love us and there would be an end to racism islamic hatred and peace throughout the land. 

    Well, the middle east is as unstable as it has ever been.  Islamic terror is at never before seen heights.  And as for blacks and race relations...well, that ain’t doing so well either.  As least that is what I see...maybe I am wrong. 

    History will judge obama, and it will do so harshly.  America’s first black president will be shown as a huge failure.  He will go down as the worst leader ever.  His actions are what one would do if they wanted to destroy a country.  obama is not a failure.  He has accomplished what he set out to do.  All you had to do was read his book.  Just like Hitler and his book, they told us what they were, and yet, we let them come to power and destroy our countries.  We can survive a bad leader.  What is way more difficult is surviving a majority of a population who would elect vermin like this. 

    Our enemies are way to bold.  Hell, even our own politicians no longer hide who they are, and have largely come out as socialists and communists.  And when they put the fix in (see bill and loretta’s love talk), they do not even bother to hide it. 

    Islam is a huge issue.  We need to stop letting them in.  And further more, we need to start deporting them.  Anyone attending a mosque that preaches hatred...GONE.  Mosque torn down, the imam and his followers shipped back to whatever hellhole they came from.  And if we get hit again...whatever mosque they belonged to and whoever knew these people...all gone.  You do that, and terrorism stops almost overnight.  These people may not fear death, but they certainly do NOT want to go back to where they came from either.  No 72 virgins...just sweaty goats and desert.  It’s time we start making our enemies fear us again.  With our current coddler in chief, that ain’t happening.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/15/2016  at  08:16 AM  

  2. What baffles me is when you see Pakistanis or Afghans etc. turn up clutching their Danish, Norwegian or German passports. I can understand Britain having a colonial heritage having people from India or Pakistan but now having British passports or French nationals who originally came from Tunisia or Algeria.

    The problem now is that these people still have their turd world pathologies and breeding havbits encouraged by unlimited welfare. I would be willing to bet that the 48% of people in Britain who voted to remain in the EU are more likely to claim that every new terrorist outrage that occurs is nothing to do with Islam. Whereas we brexiteers are far more likely to say it has everything to do with islam.

    The bottom line is we are now in an existential struggle. There is good reason why the islamic whack jobs admired Hitler. They share the same national socialist mindset. I truly believe unless there is a popular uprising then one day it will be us herded into gas chambers by these fanatics.

    The French socialist bed wetter Prime Minister has already said that they will have to live with terrorism

    This is the language of the defeated, I am pretty sure that a lot of French people don’t feel that way and Marine Le Pen doesn’t think like that. The French could very well rebel, they have a history here of going loco. The French Revolution was gratuitously bloody and it could blow up before the mad mullahs have sufficient numbers. I also think that this will favour Trump. The muzzbots actually want Trump to win as they think that will further their cause, but I reckon it will end up in sand land being turned to glass.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/15/2016  at  11:31 AM  

  3. Blah blah blah the pResident said as he tried to feign sympathy for what he considers the worthless french scum he thinks of as nothing more than Chum for his Muslim killer cult friends.
    5 long months and this POS is GONE from our lives.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/15/2016  at  07:59 PM  


    Posted by Macker    United States   07/15/2016  at  09:03 PM  

  5. You assume obama and mooch are going to leave willingly.  There is still this nagging paranoia that says obama’s “brown” shirts are going to stir up lots of trouble, along with muslim mayhem, and he will declare martial law and suspend all elections.  Maybe I am wrong, but that is what obama, hiLIARy and their ilk have done to me.  I don’t trust my govt anymore.

    Hopefully there will be a smooth transition of power with Trump.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/16/2016  at  12:22 AM  

  6. Don’t worry about it sdkar. The idiots forgot rule #1 of a takeover, get all of the guns. with over 300 million guns in the US, and demotards scared of them evil icky guns, the result is already preordained if they try any crap. To bad my arsenal is on the bottom of the lake after that boating incident, but Oh well.  Most military are oath keepers they swore to protect the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.  What side do you think that they would pick?  The one that created ISIS and had 4 Americans killed in Bengazi, or Joe sixpac with his AR and a few battle packs.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/16/2016  at  10:38 AM  

  7. It’s obvious that the attack in france happened because they did not import enough muslims.  Maybe if they double, or perhaps triple the number of muslim immigrants, these attacks will stop.  After all, that is the democrat way.  Never admit you made a mistake, and instead, double down on whatever it was you were doing that started the whole mess to begin with.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/16/2016  at  12:52 PM  

  8. And as for obama leaving, I am positive that the HNIC has contemplated the whole martial law taking over thing on many occasions.  obama KNOWS that a trump presidency is the undoing of everything he has done, including the dismantling of his signature obama(don’t)care.  All eight years of obama’s law and executive actions wiped out in ten minutes after Trump is sworn in.  That HAS to rub him the wrong way for sure.  I wonder how that change of power is going to go over.  Is obama going to shake his hand and smile like is typical of every other transition of power?  Or, is the classless bastard going to put on a saddy face, and pull a temper tantrum when leaving?

    Either way, that is one swearing in ceremony and helicopter ride I will stay glued to.  I cannot wait for 20 years from now, when I read the history books on presidents, and how it judges obama.  Also, and maybe this is just me looking at the good side of things, but maybe obama has done us a favor...that is, if the future plays out the way we hope.  That socialism not only does not work, but will once again, like the days of McCarthy, push that failed notion back down.  Create a house of un-American activities again.  Create laws that outlaw the promotion of socialism, and set the world back on the path to freedom.  It takes a horror like obama to make changes that are really needed.  Kinda like how when Roosevelt died, they immediately enacted a law forbidding more than two terms. 

    Now if hiLIARy wins....oh boy, I can’t even think of that scenario.  But it won’t be pretty.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/16/2016  at  01:02 PM  

  9. I bet that Trump would not change the law that reduced the secret service protection for ex presidents.  That was a poke in the eye to W. I bet that Trump would leave it in place so the magic monkey can suffer from his own law.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/16/2016  at  01:12 PM  

  10. I worried about hrc (back in 2008) being the one who would find a way to be president forever - now it seems as though the big o is moving in that direction. I am, however, more worried about what he is going to do after the huge loss in November. There will no constraints on him - and he has shown that he has no regard for the Constitution, the Rule of Law, Americans or even America. It is going to be a very dangerous time. Much worse, I fear than this leading up to the election.

    The entire situation - has been set up and in the works for decades. This is a OneGlobalWorldOrderPlan that has been the dream of psychotics and despots for generations. Topple the US - by first setting up a welfare system that rewards people for breeding like rabbits and funds a life that 75% of the world envies (and who will by hook or crook sneak in to take advantage of) and then by damn gumbit - pass the killer law - Government run healthcare to pound in that final economic nail into the coffin of a Free and Opportunity rich America. And to insure it all goes according to plan - open the borders to all.

    People craving power and control - do not give a damn about the lives of others. History is replete with proof of that over and over and over again.

    Sad that people continue to let these monsters ascend to power and destroy civilized life.

    And as usual - innocents continue to die and politicians continue to lie.

    Macker - I added your post to my (increasing long list) of set responses to the bs garbage going on around us [reparations, US is part of Mexico, slavery is US original sin; Forgotten Man; dissent is patriotic; birthright citizenship; gun control and probably a couple of others]. Love it - and maybe one in ten people will do what I did - and go look it up.

    On the good news front - my son arrived back in the US at 10AM yesterday morning and by dinner time was back home with his wife and 5 children! Fingers crossed that this will be his last deployment before he retires. Gack, is he really that old? Where the hell does time go?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/18/2016  at  08:39 AM  

  11. Islam is challenging the world to a fight.  The world should accept the challenge and wipe all trace of Islam from the surface of the Earth.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/18/2016  at  12:13 PM  

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