Barking Moonbat Of The Week


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/03/2007 at 01:12 PM   
  1. Until the following changes he will always be Al’Iinventedtheinternet’Gore to me:

    1) Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) USA Today

    2)But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. USA Today

    3) but Gore’s home in Carthage is sitting on a zinc mine. Gore receives $20,000 a year in royalties from Pasminco Zinc (until 2003, when mining was finally stopped). USA Today

    These quotes are from:
    (Gore Isn’t Quite As Green . . .. USA Today, updated 12/07/06)

    4) the family now supposedly drives ‘hybrid’ vehicles but the last autobio I read was that they were SUVs

    4) he negates his commercial flying with buying carbon offsets? Wow paying for suspect (probably financing some enviro-wackos lifestyle) environmental ‘programs’ makes it all ok?

    What crappola these lunatics dish out.
    And how can anyone believe this shit - if he were a conservative Republican - he’d be laughed into obliteration. But no these utter morons are not only given a pass - they are touted and toasted by everyone who can’t read, doesn’t have a brain, is suffering from bds or just plain inhaled once too often.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/03/2007  at  04:49 PM  

  2. In my last post the second 4 should be a 5, DUH.

    I just figured it out - this is all a lead up (remember the dnc and it’s operative the msm) have to develop their ‘talking points’ and then repeat them ad nauseum, oops sorry repeat them repetatively to indoctrinate the masses.

    This is a two-fer - get ole Al’Iinventedtheinternet’Gore his knowbull price for his ‘stellar’ work (i.e. ad man) on glowball warning and since the dnc finally figured it out - the American masses while turning bored with the Iraqi Civil War of Occupation aren’t out right agin it - now will make the ‘08 election about - yes, kiddos you guessed it


    ‘cuz even the moronic, insane dnc knows that any Repub worth the elephant moniker doesn’t give a rats ass about this crappola.

    So now, boys and girls our job is to out these non-evironmentally friendly glowball warning hypocrites and also the socialist -universalhealthcareforillegalsfirst, takeevenmoreofyourtaxesforthegreatergood, and nownobusinessideemevilcankeepitsprofitsever - the hildabeast - who just somewhere in her drivel might mention glowball warning. But who gives a crap - I bet her first act as President will be to get rid of Presidential term limits and then declare herself el Presidente` for life.

    Yepper, ole hildabeast will cure glowball warning - either by allowing the islamic caliphate overtaking the World and throwing it back into the 3rd century or by her economic disasters that sends America back into the 5th century again. . . and gee that would leave Russia, Iran, NoKo and maybe China with nuclear weapons - how stupid are they really?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/03/2007  at  05:38 PM  

  3. senor algore has a little credibility problem.  for something so serious, you would think by now, the socialistenvironmentalistwackos would have at least presented at least some kind of credible evidence to support their theory. Instead all we get is a constant barrage of half truths based on circumstantial evidence.

    these nimrods will not cut back on their own emissions until after you and i are forced to cut back on ours. This is all the evidence I need to know that algore and his buddies are full of sheeeeeeet.

    the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   02/04/2007  at  06:15 AM  

  4. You should have heard some of the winners last night on TWC’s Forcast Earth (I guess it is their global warming, warning show). On the computer model programs: Here I thought it was actual weather data for like forever programed in and then calculated and walla - global warming! No such real science here: The guy actually said, and I quote ‘we put in what we think will impact weather’. Enough said to me to realize you believe a lie, skew the ‘facts’ to support your lie and you end up with - a lie.
    Then a weather bimbette actually said - ‘yes humans will be affected if the weather changes’


    And they call us stupid

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/04/2007  at  09:37 AM  

  5. The left is getting really good at scaring the beejeezus out of people. With the help of the free press, people fear the SUV more than they do the crazed president of a radical islamic state who is on record calling for the nuclear destruction of the only democracy in the middle east and any nation that gets in the way.

    The donks have perfected the strategy of covering up their misdeeds by accusing their republican opponent of the very same behaviour. The donks accussed Bush of scaring the nation into war while at the same time they attempt to scare the nation into accepting the socialist’s anti-capitalist agenda.

    While the Islamist threat is right there starring us in the face, they want to do nothing. They prefer to distract the nation’s attention away from the real threat to a made up threat with solutions that could very well hamstring the nations economy for generations to come on nothing more then circumstantial evidence.

    Last time they had their way on the environment, they took away every Americans right to a kick ass shower. Thanks to the left, every morning millions Americans (who haven’t figured out how to remove the gasket) are unable to get the soap out of their hair or freeze their assess off using low flow showerheads across the nation.

    If they get their way, I dread to know what the impact will be on our daily lives. Who knows, they may even go as far as to impact how much water I can use to flush my toilet.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   02/04/2007  at  06:27 PM  

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