Barack Obama, a man mainlining Preparation ‘H’


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 07/29/2008 at 03:14 PM   
  1. I know what a con is. Obama, Hope, Change. That’s a con fer shure!

    Oh, you meant Conservative? Oh well ... that’s a different thing altogether! LOL

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/29/2008  at  09:28 PM  

  2. Regarding the clown in Gitmo once a person with “indefinite leave to remain” has been outside of the country for over two years they have to seek readmission. Effectively UK immigration can tell him to sod off as they should have done with all the other non British fuckwits that were held there.

    Now regarding Cameron I am unconvinced by any of the current crop of politicians. ZaNuLabour is heading for meltdown, but Cameron is another Blair clone in my view. I watched this presentation recently. It won’t make as much sense to Americans as they won’t know the “players” but essentially the guys argument is that a “charity” has been set up with EU money with the aim to destabilise Britain.

    maybe it’s BS and I didn’t agree with everything he claimed, such as the muslims are being set up as the future Jews in Europe. That sounds like something out of the Jihad handbook. However the parts where he links the infiltration of the police, the local council and the army for example by these people I personally found rather sinister. What are they hoping to gain? My guess would be that Britain represents the biggest “problem” for the EU project. We have the largest navy, air force and army. The French in some respects is of a similar size but come on, it’s the French! We all know how they perform in a fight. So the idea that a charity can put people into positions of authority and influence has some credibility. I am not a conspiracy theorist myself. Most of them are patently absurd, but the point the chap makes about how Britain has gone to hell in a hand cart in the past few years set off alarm bells. In the past we had politicians of some stature. Now we have wankers like Ed Balls. How can you take him seriously? Or David Milliband aka batshit mad Milliband.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/30/2008  at  03:42 AM  

  3. Peiper,

    ‘Baz’ or ‘Bazza’ is short for ‘Barry’ in the vernacular.


    I am prepared to wait and see with Cameron. It depends if he employs enough of the Old Blues to make a Real Conservative government.

    The EU’s nascent superstate needs to be strangled in its crib now. That can be done by Cameron conducting a referendum (as has been promised) on the EU constitution. A massive ‘No’ vote would surely rip the heart out of the superstate. I would like to see the EU backtrack to the EEC - the old trading region - and perhaps pull in the EFTA countries. This would also be an opportunity to junk the gravy train.

    I think Britain will be in a strong position to make this happen, because the EU would probably collapse if Britain left it. Other countries would want to follow suit - Denmark, Sweden, maybe Poland, as Italy is swinging rightwards it might come too.

    “the Muslims being set up as the future Jews of Europe” - I have been following discussion on the Gates of Vienna. They debated the possibility of Muslim genocide happening across Europe, which was majorly misunderstood by the Lizards at Little Green Footballs. Yes the Islamofascists have long since resented what they see as preferential treatment to the Jews - Germany and other countries seeking atonement for what happened in the 30’s and 40’s.

    I am sure that the Mad Bastards in Mecca and Qom WANT there to be a Muslim holocaust. They’re quite happy to sacrifice 10 million or so to satisfy their lust for global domination. Their readiness to use little children as suicide bombers indicates this. This I feel is the root of the evil.

    Posted by DWMF    Austria   07/30/2008  at  08:44 AM  

  4. "Black Man’s Wheels”, huh? From what I’ve always heard, most of the blacks themselves would tell you those letters stand for “Be My Woman.”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   07/30/2008  at  10:04 AM  

  5. Peiper I don’t want to be alarmist but when you see the likes of the Milliband brothers (sons of a communist) Ed Balls and his wife Yvette Cooper, Harriet Harperson etc. etc. ad nauseum occupying senior positions in government you have to wonder wtf is going on? Maybe this common Purpose is nothing to worry about. However the part where he mentions the national lottery as an ideal tool for money laundering got me thinking. The people running the lottery “camelot” were giving money to “worthy causes” like asylum seeker charities whose aim is to prevent deportation of failed asylum seekers and other pc charities. they are a very suspect outfit. Yet when their license came up for renewal they got the contract again despite Richard Branson putting in a cheaper bid.

    DWMF I sort of agree with you viz Cameron but I fear he will not live up to his promise on the EU referendum. I would like to see a return to the EEC but I don’t think the powers in Brussels will countenance anything other than a Euro super state. I still think they will bully Ireland into another vote and bribe them the way they did with Poland.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/31/2008  at  02:21 AM  

  6. LyndonB, if Cameron keeps his promise about an EU Constitution Referendum, he will swell the conservative ranks with the UKIP rebels (not just the pols, but the voters), who will willingly return to the fold.

    I have been playing with the idea of voting UKIP, but they have no impressive leaders, apart from Nigel Farage. Kilroy-Silk was an empty orange suntan.

    Peiper, what you see is the ever-growing Guilt Industry. Those who are honest about the past are having their self-confessed faults thrown in their face by those who are not.

    Posted by DWMF    Austria   07/31/2008  at  03:00 AM  

  7. I like Nigel Farage he really sticks it to the EU!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/31/2008  at  03:06 AM  

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