Bank Of America Defiant


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/22/2007 at 04:16 PM   
  1. ’Amedeo Giannini, a son of Italian immigrants, founded the Bank of Italy to serve “the little guys,” including immigrants that other banks wouldn’t touch’

    The difference these stupid sobs are ignoring is that I’d bet my last dollar that Mr. Giannini’s parents were LEGAL immigrants.

    I hope that every American with an account with them drops them ASAP.

    The only way to make corporations ‘hear’ the complaints is to hit them in their pocket book - you know that bottom line. When BOAs goes Red, they will change their tune.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/22/2007  at  05:26 PM  

  2. I’ve read where Bank of America is going to limit the cards to $500.  Let’s say one million criminals get these cards and charge up the limit of $500.  Let’s also say these criminals skip out on their payments, since they are criminals without any documentation on who they are and many of them use false names and documentation to obtain citizen benefits.  So, after said criminals skip out, leaving BOA a potential 500 million dollar loss, who is going to cover their losses?  BOA isn’t going to absorb a potential loss like this.  Their depositors won’t stand for the loss, so it’s going to be up to the government (American Taxpayers) to cover BOA for their losses.  Their is not way Mr. Lewis is going to be able to explain to the stockholders a one half billion dollar loss on credit cards given to people who have no regard for US Law. 

    I have two accounts with BOA and they’re in the process of being moved to another bank.  Maybe all the banks do this but I don’t like this “In Your Face” stuff BOA is pulling on the American People.

    Posted by BobF    United States   02/22/2007  at  06:02 PM  

  3. Accounts shut down and off to Wells Fargo.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   02/22/2007  at  06:45 PM  

  4. <font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">Bank of America blew it with me back in 1984. I remember it well, because it is the only time in my life I have had a returned check.                                                                                                                       </font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">I had an account with them for several years and made a sizeable cash deposit at one point, on a Thursday afternoon. The following week, I started receiving notices that I had checks being returned due to insufficient funding. I went to the bank, with my deposit slip, which showed the cash deposit and the date. I was told by the manager, "I am sorry, some deposits are held for 5 working days. You did not have enough money in your account to cover  the checks you wrote". I was stunned. Now, I understand holding a check that has been deposited, but holding cash? I had to pay a small forune in bank fees, not to mention having to pay the additional fees at the merchants, to retreive the returned checks. I switched banks immediately. When the bank I used for years was purchased by B of A, I immediately withdrew my money and went elsewhere.  My daughter attempted to get her first checking account and went to Bank of America to fill out an application. They would not open a checking account for her because she had insufficient credit to open a checking account. </font>            <font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3">She was 17 years old and just started working, of course she had no credit!                                     That was six short years ago.                                                                                                                   Now, Bank of America wants to extend credit to illegal immigrants?</font><font face="Arial" size="3">Unbelieveable!</font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3"></font>

    Posted by Melissa in Texas    United States   02/22/2007  at  11:14 PM  

  5. My first question is this: What Does the LAW say?
    If it turns out that, after an extensive Federal investigation, BofA was in compliance with the law, then a lot of people on the boycott side may soon be eating a whole bunch of crow.
    And besides, don’t kid yourselves. BofA isn’t the only bank which accepts matricula consular cards. If you don’t like law then work to change it! Oh and one more thing: I don’t think these cards are unsecured, so if the Illegals skip across the border, they lose their deposit.
    al-Reuters broke this story last week. That makes it automatically suspect in my book. And given their propensity to break stories before all the facts are in (and that goes for any MSM outlet), I would say that people are panicking when they shouldn’t be.

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/23/2007  at  12:32 AM  

  6. Macker, the fact is that a lot of us have had very bad experiences with the cheesy way BOA does business and treats its customers. I moved my account months ago for several reasons, incouding their habit of holding deposits for a week and a slew of hidden charges.

    Now, what does the law say? Nothing about requiring SSN for a bank account or credit card. Banks only require that so they can access your credit report at the Big-3 credit reporting agencies and report any delinquencies you incur and also to determine how much credit to give you. There is no law requiring it. That’s the problem.

    BOA says they are not breaking the law by not requiring SSN’s for bank accounts or credit cards. They’re right. They are not but does that make it the right thing to do? No.

    I jumped on this story several days ago when it first broke and I’m going to keep flogging it. Pay attention and keep up to date here.

    The cards may or may not be secured. We’ll never know. If any of the illegals defaults on an unsecured card though, we taxpayers will pick up the tab. Illegals are already gettting free medical care and schooling for their children because of our screwed-up laws. Why should we encourage them to benefit financially also?

    There is a group in New York right now who are trying to get legislation passed to allow illegals to vote. Why even bother to have such a concept as citizenship if all this is going to take place. And how do we know Al-Qaeda won’t take advantage of this too?

    It’s not just Reuters but Fox News and CNN have been covering the backlash against BOA over this. Neil Cavuto of Fox Business has been following it daily and interviewing several high profile business people who are also outraged and have closed their accounts.

    The bottom line is BOA is aggressively pursuing the illegal alien market and thereby making it easier for them to stay here illegally. They may not be committing a crime per se but they are aiding and abetting those who are.

    Nobody’s panicking. We’re just pissed. At BOA for doing this and at government for letting them get away with it. There are laws against aiding and abetting illegal aliens to come here and stay here. Those are the laws that are used to prosecute companies like Swift who knowingly hire illegals.

    What’s the difference between a company who knowingly hires illegals and a bank who knowlingly does business with them? Not a damn bit of difference in my book.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/23/2007  at  01:53 AM  

  7. I travel extensively for business and on a couple occasions BOA (sort of like a constrictor) shut down my card because I was traveling and they suspected that the card had been compromised.  No warning, just could use the damned card when I needed some gas.  BOA got a lesson in angry customers.  Suspect that during the numerous phone calls that the limiting circuit got activated.  They finally flagged my account as a frequent traveler and left me alone after that.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   02/23/2007  at  08:58 AM  

  8. Don’t forget - MBNA is now Bank of America.  Originally I thought I was safe.

    Anyone know who does the NRA Visa/Mastercard program?

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   02/23/2007  at  09:28 AM  

  9. The NRA Visa and Mastercard program is administered by the First National Bank of Omaha.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/23/2007  at  10:17 AM  

  10. Those damn Google ads are context sensitive. In other words they always throw in an ad based on keywords on the page the ad is on. This makes for some pretty hilarious combinations some times such as now when we’re slamming BOA and Google is advertising for them. I just wish Google paid me more than .02 cents per month for those ads.

    cool grin

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/23/2007  at  12:36 PM  

  11. There is a BOA boycott site that shows pro/anti-USAbanks. See;

    Posted by utahminuteman    United States   02/23/2007  at  03:44 PM  

  12. I like Rush’s take on this - Bank of Amigos!

    Gotta have a sense of humor sometimes. They were lousy - these stories reminded me of them bouncing a check in CA - remember it well - first check I ever bounced in my life. It wasn’t my fault - but made me realize (1976) that not all banks are alike.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/23/2007  at  08:45 PM  

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