Backlash In Britain


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/29/2005 at 06:02 AM   
  1. Are Muslims now a recognized race??  Could I please have a scientific listing of the “racial” characteristic of a _Muslim_?  Like (unique)genectic origin, (unique)skin color, (unique)facial characteristics, (unique)body structureand such?

    Posted by emdfl    Jordan   07/29/2005  at  09:03 AM  

  2. I remember the Iron Sheik (Hossein Khosrow Vaziri - born in Iran, naturalised American). He was quite impressive, as he was an Olympic wrestler, using a lot of Graeco-Roman moves. (Wrestling is the Iranian national sport.) I am very surprised that the government haven’t put him front-and-centre of what Middle Easterners can achieve in the American Dream.

    Posted by DWMF    Switzerland   07/29/2005  at  09:22 AM  

  3. I’ve known folks from “muslim” countries, who are not muslim - one is a Marionite Christian from Lebanon, and a couple Zoroastrians from Iran, and what they all have to say about mooosssliiimmmmsss makes even the hardcore “rants” on sound like happy birthday greetings.  These tensions and predjudices go back MANY centuries....  This isn’t going to blow over like some Hatfields vs McCoys feud.  sheep

    BTW whatever happened to the word “moslem” which was the normal usage terminology for centuries…

    No matter how the word is spelled or pronounced, it all comes out meaning “islamofascist” these days.

    LC RP flag

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   07/29/2005  at  12:55 PM  

  4. Study and know history or repeat it.  You may adjust the following quotation to suit:

    “The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a dozen other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”
    Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris (RAF)

    Posted by dick    United States   07/29/2005  at  12:57 PM  

  5. For those without an Encylopedia more here:

    In the case of the Nazi’s it was state sanctioned, in the case of Britain it would require hundreds of thousands mass rioting to overwhelm the unarmed police.

    Posted by MJS    United States   07/29/2005  at  06:05 PM  

  6. Skipper I very much doubt there would be a repeat of Kristalnacht in Britain. However I am not surprised there is unrest. A lot of this has been caused by the government moving (bogus) asylum seekers to places like Swansea in Wales and Glasgow in Scotland. They already have their fair share of British born moooslims on the dole and they tend to resent having a load of Iraqi and Afghan deadbeats dumped on them. Worse yet these deadbeats get housed and receive state benefits from the get go. Most are from 18 to 25 they don’t want to work they just want to tap into the lucrative gravy train the government provides. They are also readily recruited by mad mullahs to become future homicide bombers.

    They would have turned up in Dover or at Heathrow with no papers, given the authorities some bogus name and claimed to have been persecuted by the Taliban or Saddam. There are thousands of them if not hundreds of thousands. Most have been refused asylum but the government has not been able to deport them. The main reason for this is they brought in a “human rights law” which the judges and lawyers (including Tony Bliar’s wife) use as a stick to beat the government with. To use the example of “Bomber” Harris we are now reaping the whirlwind. If you check the names of the most recent asshats that failed to explode you will see they are Somali and Eritrean asylum cases. Why were these deadbeat asswipes given British passports?? Ask Tony or better yet ask his moonbat wife.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/30/2005  at  02:57 AM  

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