Back To Africa


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/03/2019 at 02:09 PM   
  1. Isn’t it racist to infer by the constant flow of money, people and resources to Africa - that they can’t/won’t take care of themselves? So a racist thought centuries ago - that these were lesser people - has morphed into a racist thought - these people can’t take care of themselves ever. It’s just nice that the idiot Mugabe actually put it into words.

    I wonder how much of the pathetic nature/behavior of people’s of the various African countries (we need to separate them, or stupid Americans like Ms Obama will see Africa as a country not a continent) as to their success and failures.

    Why does America keep sending them money? It just goes into corrupt governmental ‘tyrants’ and warlords pockets. And why do we accept both legal and illegal immigrants from there. That do something for me, now attitude is NOT WHAT AMERICA IS ABOUT.

    Funny - a young person from Thailand with less than 100 dollars (and alone) comes to America and uses her one skill and rise to be on tv and win Chopped. Poor from Asia come here - and work - and work overtime. And make it. Again and again and again.

    My neighbors came from Nigeria. Of course he is well educated (big surprise, not that he is successful) and now retired (college professor)). Hard worker, walks everywhere (they have two cars) and he and his son and nephew can turn a well established tree into fire wood in no time at all - with a machete. He only just bought a chain saw - right when he retired.

    Even though my parents had maids and outside help - they made us clean the stalls, help with cleaning the pool, keeping our rooms clean and sometimes even the whole house. They gave us music lessons, dance, swimming and took us to the theater (not movies - only remember one movie trip growing up), the zoo, the museums and out to dinner at places that had table cloths and silver. We cleaned our own fish and were raised on ‘don’t name the lambs, it makes it hard to eat the lamb chops’. While both my parents had a great affection for animals - they showed 3 gaited Amemerican Saddlebreds and raised pedigreed basset hounds - they also raised livestock - and grew their own veggies (and my Dad was a doctor too). My Mom sewed clothes until I was in school. And I learned to sew. We were never raised to sit back and hold it over anyone that we had money and advantages. We were taught to use it to make our lives better and to help other people.

    Too many people are now about ‘getting even’ or ‘every man for themselves’. Talk about being tolerant and inclusive. And calling other people stupid.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/04/2019  at  09:49 AM  

  2. So the answer to all Africa’s ills is” OOGA BOOGA”!!
    Ya, that will work.
    crazy  shit  monkey

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/04/2019  at  10:57 AM  

  3. But but but the rinos and elephants! Who is going to look after these poor creatures? I know, we can relocate these creatures to New Jersey. No that will never work. They don’t speak NJ or wear turbans. How about California and Oregon? Rinos and Altifa. My money is on the rino. Put the elephants in LA and San Fran. They will blend in with all the other homeless creatures.

    Posted by TheHat    United States   12/05/2019  at  01:01 PM  

  4. The only Nigerians I’ve known were both intelligent and really hard working. They could not stand American black lay-abouts.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/07/2019  at  03:13 PM  

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