As Usual I Don’t Get It


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/16/2015 at 09:34 PM   
  1. Usually gas and oil prices rise and climb in relative tandem but it’s always funny to see how when oil prices go up, gas prices go up almost immediately and when oil prices go down, gas prices lag a few days to do so.

    However, this recent run-up is ridiculous.  Oil was $52 a barrel a week/10 days ago and is $46 now (about 11% drop) but gas prices have fallen about 2 cents (less than one percent.)

    And no matter how much you bitch and moan to elected officials about it they tell you they can’t do anything.  And to expect republicans to do anything is like expecting the sun to rise in the west.

    Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   03/17/2015  at  05:10 AM  

  2. Um, you are aware that the refinery industry is fighting the Union pigs and has been for awhile . Not the whole story but as with the west coast Longshoremans strike, it is causing issues with keeping things flowing smoothly;
    Luckily for me , I recycle all my fuel from the Cars we part out here( Yes, that’s what I do) so I have to rarely,Maybe 3 times a year actually Buy gas. My last purchase was sometime last October,
    Neat Huh.


    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/17/2015  at  10:01 AM  

  3. Um, you are aware that the refinery industry is fighting the Union pigs and has been for awhile . Not the whole story but as with the west coast Longshoremans strike, it is causing issues with keeping things flowing smoothly;
    Luckily for me , I recycle all my fuel from the Cars we part out here( Yes, that’s what I do) so I have to rarely,Maybe 3 times a year actually Buy gas. My last purchase was sometime last October,
    Neat Huh.


    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/17/2015  at  10:01 AM  

  4. I have No idea why that double posted,Sorry.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/17/2015  at  10:03 AM  

  5. OK Gang, here is where I stand on this whole mess:
    “When OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, chose not to cut production last November, it effectively consigned its members to a prolonged period of low prices and the financial strain, palliated only by the hope that the bear market would soon squeeze American shale producers. The petrostate cartel essentially abdicated its market-fixing role on a bet that the relatively high cost of hydraulic fracturing would make American firms the world’s new swing producers, but as the FT reports, that bet is looking more and more suspect. . . .OPEC is now saying that it expects U.S. production to possibly taper off in late 2015, certainly later than most member countries would like. Every month that American output continues in the face of cheap pricing puts tremendous strain on petrostate regimes that rely so heavily on oil sales for budgetary revenue. The Saudis have a sovereign wealth fund big enough to allow them to weather these market conditions for another 20 years, but the rest of OPEC is not so well-prepared.

    The cartel is next scheduled to meet in June, but all signs point to continued inaction as the group battles for its share of an oversupplied market. Meanwhile, U.S. companies will continue to find ways to bring down their own costs. We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: bet against American innovation at your own peril.”

    I predict that all these Slimy Petro dirtbags will start short selling all the Oil they have when the locals start bitching like hell about the price of Everything going UP . Yes , I’m Talking to you our you sorry fag Maduro, Oman, My old friends in Qatar,Iran.
    Go Fuck yourselves as you watch your fantasy Utopia’s go down the drain while America Rocks On.
    Never Bet Against the USA.

    mooning  mooning  mooning  mooning  mooning  nah-nah  nah-nah

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/17/2015  at  03:42 PM  

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