

Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/06/2007 at 04:11 AM   
  1. zoe3012 says:

    I’m sorry but this is disgusting. I wasn’t a member of flickr, but I just signed up to comment on this story.

    A MAN DIED and the commentary on the picture is about how cool it is and how about getting apple to give the guy who killed the Iraqi free things. The “update” that congrats, the soldier is getting a new ipod, while well deserved, he lived through a major trauma, IS NOT THE SORT OF UPDATE WE NEED.

    “an armed (AK-47) insurgent”—I find it repulsive that you are conflating a man with a gun. What kind of man? Oh, an AK-47 man. That’s the sort of dehumanizing and othering that lead the current government to get involved in Iraq in the first place. There is NOT a clash of civilizations going on, we’re not fighting these people who come from a society completely incompatible with our own in any way. All there is is a lot of money-based politics, rascism and a big ol’ white, western-centered worldview.

    It’s not a “cool story.” it’s reality.

    From the peanut gallery.  Had to be some shit for brains to go waaaa-waaaaa-waaaaa.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   04/06/2007  at  07:47 AM  

  2. Boo hoo a terrorist has bought the farm and someone is upset about it. What are these twats on? This is a good news story. One less fanatic to deal with and a soldier who lived to fight another day. Zoe3012 should do a spell in Iraq helping these schmucks out. I doubt he/she/it would last long though. Some of these fools really burn me up.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/06/2007  at  09:52 AM  

  3. What an ass - mister bleeding heart liberal has missed the reality in his ever inane whine - the (terrorist, insurgent, man, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Jordanian - whatever, fill in the blank)SHOT FIRST. Oops, let us not mention that because it makes your position of America as evil, racist, political liars, greedy yada, yada, yada - so much harder to blather on about.

    Question Mr. liberal whinner - if a person is paid to go ‘fight’ (mercenary), given the weapon(s) to fight with (state sponsored terrorism) and fighting in a country not his own (again mercenary and/or terrorist) how can you claim that these people are fighting 1) for a religion and 2) it is the US’s fault for attempting to overturn a dictatorial regime in Iraq? Are you saying that these mercenary fighters are attempting to keep a dictatorial regime in Iraq and you support that?

    This is a simple story about a Soldier shot in the Ipod (if you will) who lived to tell about it - and the comment about Apple is from a commentor not the Soldier - geeze you can’t even take someone’s joke response without turning it into a political diatribe.

    And the liberals claim conservatives have no sense of humor.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/06/2007  at  10:13 AM  

  4. Liberalism eventually results in oppression up to the point of slavery.

    The fact that his Ipod slowed down the bullet enough for his crappy body armor to function is great.  Read several stories about our troops during WWII of having been shot, hit and survived because the bullet hit the Bible carried in the breast pocket.  He’s alive, the bad guy isn’t and the good guy will get a new I-pod.  Sounds like a win-win situation.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   04/06/2007  at  10:34 AM  

  5. Why is it more important for the terrorist to live then the thousands of innocent Iraqi? Or Our own troops? Terrorsist loving Asshats need to go over there and support their cause if they think the Al Queda types need it that bad. Just make sure you support them from in front of our troops.

    The good and possibly the best news is the troop survived and that he’ll get a new iPod. Thats a hell of alot better then having to go through surgery for an AK wound anyday.

    Posted by Archangel    United States   04/06/2007  at  12:21 PM  

  6. Must have been protected by the heavy metal on the I-pod.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   04/07/2007  at  04:33 PM  

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