Armchair Bridge Hunting


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/25/2013 at 11:32 AM   
  1. To paraphrase an old high school girlfriend after I’d won Trivial Pursuit against her and her family three times in a row: “You’re just full of useless knowledge!” Note she said it; I’m just applying it to you!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/25/2013  at  06:02 PM  

  2. I know there are a few, a very few iron bridges around here.  I just don’t know where they are even though I’ve seen them before.  They sure are cool.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/25/2013  at  06:58 PM  

  3. Too bad it’s Steven (insult the troops)King.  I won’t watch or read any of his, or anything he’s involved in.  Rich pompous bastard.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/25/2013  at  07:01 PM  

  4. GrayJohn - reading Glenn Beck’s book Control - Stephen King is also a gun grabber enabler. I loved his earlier stuff - but he’s gone off the deep end of late. And Drew - we almost never (8 shows in total) watch the alphabet networks.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/26/2013  at  07:05 AM  

  5. I didn’t know that about King ... but no real surprise. Another Hollywood uber-lib.

    Wardmom - have to find something to watch here in summer rerun season. Tried watching that news drama with Jeff Daniels. It’s super lefty. Forget that. This one at least is a bit of sci-fi adventure, less silly overall than Dr. Who or (gak) Warehouse 13.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/26/2013  at  08:02 AM  

  6. Oh, and the characters on the TV show even refer to it as the 6th Avenue bridge. Useless info overall perhaps, unless you like bridges and older architecture.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/26/2013  at  08:07 AM  

  7. Steven King on guns:

    Guys, gals, now hear this: No one wants to take away your hunting rifles. No one wants to take away your shotguns. No one wants to take away your revolvers, and no one wants to take away your automatic pistols, as long as said pistols hold no more than ten rounds.

    Semi-automatics have only two purposes. One is so that owners can take them to the shooting range once in a while, yell heehaw, and get all horny at the rapid fire and the burning vapor spurting from the end of the barrel. Their other use - their only other use - is to kill people.

    Most home invasion victims with arms find themselves in Herbert Clutter’s position: surprised and overwhelmed. Unless you sleep with your .45 under your pillow, you’re apt to find yourself in the same position if the bad guys should show up in your bedroom, enquiring as to the location of your safe.

    By 1938, when Hitler was riding high, those laws were pretty much the same as American gun laws. . .you needed a permit to acquire and carry a handgun, but you could have as many rifles as you wanted. Unless you were a Jew, of course, but that was the annoying thing about the Nazis wasn’t it? They killed a lot of Jews, and they didn’t need restrictive gun legislation to do it; it was the government that armed the killers.

    blanket opposition to gun control was less about defending the second amendment of the US constitution than “a stubborn desire to hold onto what they have, and to hell with the collateral damage”. If that’s the case, let me suggest that ‘fuck you, Jack, I’m okay’ is not a tenable position, morally speaking

    All of these quotes are from Guns - which Stephen King put on as a download for $0.99 on 25 Jan 2013 - the famous and hypocritical owner of 3 handguns and writer of Rage (published under a pen name (Richard Bachman) in 1977 - about a school shooting rampage (for which he won’t apologize for writing) - Stephen King - who also believes he should pay more taxes.

    Too stupid to realize that forbidding the Jews from any gun ownership - is what let the Nazis kill millions of them - not arming (already armed) the ‘government’ military.

    Why is it that the idiots are millionaires - and we are unemployed and barely making it? My 25 year-old has more sense than him. Geez what a schmuck.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/26/2013  at  03:15 PM  

  8. That show lost me after 2 episodes. Typical King novel,full of time killing blather and foggy story ideas.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/26/2013  at  04:50 PM  

  9. I was a big fan too Wardmama4, but while I was able to overlook his coke addiction and alcoholism as human weaknesses, his smirking treason is not forgivable.  I’ll jump off one of Drew’s bridges before I watch or read Quisling King again.  His dabbling in children having sex didn’t win him any points with me either.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/27/2013  at  04:35 PM  

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