Arise, Sir Terrence


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/19/2009 at 12:04 PM   
  1. Pratchett’s discworld books are my particular pleasure.

    How one man can be so blazingly satirical while remaining understated, calm and funny is beyond me.  His skewering of gun control, relgious persecution, government and all things pompous is a joy and a nearly lost art.

    Knighthood is fitting for this kind and witty soul, and I pray for his continued health and the defeat of all debilitating diseases that come with age.

    Way to go, Sir Terry!

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   02/19/2009  at  02:24 PM  

  2. Terry Pratchett has been a delight to me. I’m currently reading Jingo, #21 in the Discworld series. I’ve also enjoyed the cartoons Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music. I’ve got the Hogfather movie, but I’ve yet to watch it.

    Admittedly, not the classical image of a ‘knight in shining armor’, but I’d be at a loss if I hadn’t any Pratchettisms to fall back upon.

    I’m sure I’m misquoting, but it was Pratchett-inspired. A guy at work was being particularly obnoxious a couple of weeks ago. In fact, he was in danger of being disciplined. He’s not ‘usually’ like that, but has been in trouble before.

    I intervened:

    “You have to excuse him. He’s such a deep thinker that his brain is too busy and therefore his mouth is free to roam and make a nuisance of itself.”

    Everybody cracked up, including the obnoxious one. A little humor dispelled the anxiety and tenseness. The guy laughed, begged pardon, and no discipline was necessary.

    Trust me, that was my mis-remembered quote of a Terry Pratchett line in one of his books.

    In fact, I found out later, that if he HAD been disciplined (again) he would have been fired. He owes his job to Sir Pratchett.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   02/19/2009  at  07:33 PM  

  3. Y’know, I’ve heard of this guy, but not read his works. I’ll have to check this out!

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/20/2009  at  09:52 PM  

  4. I am now going to have to go to my copious SciFi/Fantsy library and reread his books.

    This is a truly deserved honor for a truly deserving man.


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   02/21/2009  at  01:52 AM  

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