Are We Hungry Yet?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/07/2005 at 11:29 AM   
  1. They’re laser labeling eggs now too.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/07/2005  at  04:42 PM  

  2. Swanson recently died - my mother gave us TV dinners on occasion - hated them & to this day do not buy any type of frozen dinners............
    Some of the eggs I buy have “born on this date” on them..........
    Remember visiting & eating from am Automat in NYC many years ago - now we have vending machines everywhere - usually filled with high fat choices........
    Remember having an ice box refridgerator with ice being delivered from the ice man............
    The waffle cone for ice cream was born at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.............
    Does anyone remember the milkman delivering milk in glass bottles with thick cream at the top?
    How about wringer washing machines? And before dryers, hanging all the laundry on lines outside? And in the cellar if it was rainiing........
    Remember coal stoves & coal furnaces - we had a coal bin in our basement..........
    Know something? Those were the good old days.............

    Posted by Dottie    United States   08/07/2005  at  07:44 PM  

  3. I remember the glass bottles of unhomogenized milk, Dottie. In the old country the milkman came around with a horse and wagon. This would have been about 1950 or so.

    Mom still prefers to hang wash outside to dry. She’ll use the dryer as a backup on rainy days but she’ll hang ‘em outside even in winter if she can.

    I remember wringers and mangles too. Grandma had a mangle. A big damn thing that was kept outside in its own shelter and dragged out on washday.

    “Good old days” if you didn’t have to shovel the coal, I’d say.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/07/2005  at  08:05 PM  

  4. My Dad was the one who shoveled the coal into the coal furnace & cleaned out the embers............the cellar was a great place to roller skate around in the winter months - nice & warm.........We had another enclosed room in the cellar that had a tree stump - why it was there, I don’t remember but the cellar was a great place for all of us kids to play hide & seek, among other games......
    When I lived in Rhode Island in the 70’s I hung my clothes outside to in St. Louis, the subdivisions prohibit clothes lines or I would still do it.........As it is, being single, only do laundry a couple of times a week...........
    As a child in school, my Dad would give us 5 cents each day & we would buy penny candy at school during recess - 5 cents could buy a lot in those days..........We also had a hot lunch every day at school & I think it used to cost 25 cents a week........the nuns would collect our lunch money once a week...............
    My sister & I will be getting together in September & spending a few days on Block Island - everytime we get together we spend hours reminiscing about our childhood days...........and how happy we were then.........

    Posted by Dottie    United States   08/07/2005  at  08:32 PM  

  5. .... I remember all that, but my all-time favorite was the “Popiel Pocket Fisherman”.
    .... coal came into the housefrom the outside coal bin in a coal “scuttle” to fire the pot-bellied stove in the living room. (and Mom & Dad’s bed room).
    .... the icebox sat on the back porch next to the Matag ringer washer and double tub rinsing set-up.
    .... the “rag man” came around every two or three weeks in his horse drawn wagon, buying and selling “rags for every purpose”.
    One of my jobs was to walk about a half block to the store and fill up a 3 gallon jug with kerosene for the NEW kitchen stove. (the old one burned wood or coal)
    Even though it seems like a very long time ago, I seem to remember every detail. That must mean that it was a really BAD time, or really good. Maybe a little of both.  smile

    Posted by Carguy    United States   08/09/2005  at  01:23 PM  

  6. Me too OCM. HOWEVER, I remember a good friend returning home from South Korea, and my younger brother did two tours in Nam with the Sea Bees.
    Although my older brother and I were both in the Navy at that time, neither one of us ever got over there.
    It seems to never end.

    Posted by Carguy    United States   08/09/2005  at  02:07 PM  

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