Another unenforced law


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/24/2011 at 02:44 PM   
  1. I agree this does send out the wrong message. They had them bang to to rights so what’s the problem? As an aside I have to say that numbers of raptors in Britain have substantially increased in my lifetime. I was interested in ornithology from an early age and always looked out for birds of prey. In the early 70’s the only bird I ever saw was the Kestrel. In recent years however I have seen a wide range of birds such as Peregrine Falcons, Common Buzzards (not a shitehawk like in the US this is akin to the Red Tailed Hawk) Montagu’s Harrier, Marsh Harrier, Honey Buzzard, Merlin and Sparrowhawks. Whether this is down to stopping the use of DDT or the decline in shooting (most birds of prey were persecuted by gamekeepers) I don’t know but its good to see.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   09/25/2011  at  02:31 AM  

  2. There was a pair of ospreys in a tree across from our home in Montana - absolutely beautiful birds. My dad while still a gun enthusiast and lifelong NRA member - who taught us to handle guns - had sworn off hunting after having to shoot his fav saddle horse (Big Boy) and having shot Bambi’s mother and being forced to raise Bambi (or be the cause of his death too) - was long past the hunting stage by the time I was a little girl. So we would sit in the early morning and watch the deer, bear and other animals come down for a drink and watch the osprey go out and hunt or teach their little ones to fly. By the time my dad was gone (’68)-

    or molest these birds or their nests

    - the ‘well intentioned’ eco-wackos were climbing the tree to take the eggs to study for ddt levels (who the f*** farms on a mountain side lake?!? - I mean rational thought processes are required to be a scientist, right?!?) Anyway those last couple of years - we didn’t see them much. The eco-wackos claimed it was the ddt poisoning but I suspect it was idiots pounding nails into their tree and then taking their eggs - but that’s just me. Funny how they can study the varmint squirrels (on an island - red, maybe brown ones) without going into their nests and stealing their babies in the same area. The fish population went up so high - they had to set limits. Now I wonder why that happened all of a sudden?

    Idiots - btw - the Bible warns us of these eco-wackos: For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen (Romans 1:25)

    Also - I got a note from Peiper - he is alive and well in sunny CA but without a computer. Will send us a missive on life when he returns to England.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/25/2011  at  07:30 AM  

  3. They’re trying to introduce Golden eagles and Red kites into Ireland, but the farmers are poisoning and shooting them as fast as they release them.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   09/25/2011  at  08:30 AM  

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