Another Surge In The Purge


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/12/2014 at 12:55 PM   
  1. Someday Federal Bureaucrats will die on a daily basis and I will laugh and smile at every notice of their demise. Do your duty for God & Country and make it happen.
    That is all.
    pig  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/12/2014  at  08:07 PM  

  2. You do realize Obafuck is putting in senior officers loyal to Him and not the Constitution. Chavez did this in Venezuela. I will not be surprised that the senior officers who replace the current crop are all illegal aliens.

    Lock and load. Stock up on precious metals: lead, brass, copper.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/12/2014  at  09:59 PM  

  3. Doesn’t the dumb n!@#$r realize that the marines fly his ass around until they pass his worth less ass over to the air force.  I just hope they get the film of his punk ass jumping out of marine one without a chute.

    Posted by StephanA    United States   07/13/2014  at  11:41 AM  

  4. The Left purged after Vietnam - they always do.

    Never forget their screed of the Vietnam era - ‘I long for the days when the Air Force has to hold a bake sale for fighter jets and all schools have all the funding that they need.’

    They just don’t know that Defense of the Nation - is first and foremost in the Constitution.

    And the General welfare bs that is used to cover every single vote getting social issue - is written as ‘Congress will ‘promote’ for the General welfare’ - not force taxpayers to fund it.

    The problem is - that while the Left wants America to destroy all of it’s ‘war machine’ materials - the nut jobs, tyrants and dictators of the world are secretly (or not so secretly) building up and amassing all the weapons of destruction that they can.

    Simply being good, simply being peaceful, simply wishing and hoping won’t work. As we need police and a stable criminal justice system (which the Left is also working overtime to dismantle) - Countries need a strong National Defense system in place with people trained in the usage and tactics of warfare.

    No matter how a small percentage of the world thinks it distasteful.

    Peace is achieved (historically) through superior firepower.

    And historically - the US placing contingents of military in places where a war was fought (Korea, Japan, Germany and Italy) have historically - resulted in more stable and economically sound progression - than the places the Left forced us to leave (Vietnam and now Iraq and eventually Afghanistan).

    The Left foments and creates the volatile and unstable conditions that end up leading to war - in the name of peace, isolationism and/or anti-imperialism - and then when the Right stands up for the victimized, endangered allies or to stop the spread of a war - We are demonized for dealing with reality.

    What baffles me beyond all comprehension - is that the countries the Left staunchly ‘defend’ and seem to want to remake the US into - all have conscription, all have massive poverty, all have no sexual/gender rights, all have a totalitarian crime/law structure, all have no individual protections or freedoms, all have strict speech laws, all have pathetic ‘universal’ healthcare options and all spy on one another and their citizens. All the things that the Left publicly ‘claims’ that they are against. Obviously logic is not a strong suit amongst Leftists. At all. Ever.

    And it simply begins again - in another place, in another time.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/14/2014  at  08:58 AM  

  5. sgt. Burghdal is back on active duty by the way.

    Obungler will keep the likes of him, of course. Probably give him a medal too!

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    United States   07/14/2014  at  01:16 PM  

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