Another Reminder


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/19/2010 at 07:51 AM   
  1. peiper seems to have gone quite grin

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/19/2010  at  11:00 AM  

  2. He’s taking one of those long vacation those lazy europeans get. He’ll be back in the fall, maybe a bit sooner than that.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/19/2010  at  09:33 PM  

  3. Does anybody know if these Facts are accurate? OCM is a bit over the top sometimes, but, if he is correct about this we are so screwed.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   05/20/2010  at  06:52 PM  

  4. They are indeed quite spot on - I have a piece buried somewhere in my bookmarks (memory fuzzy but think it’s called something like - the cost of illegals to America) - and these seem to be the same figures.

    Imagine (hmmm, now exactly where have I heard that one) - if a 45% cut to welfare could be done within 30 days after we deport these free-loaders and oh btw what does a fact such as 45% of welfare checks going to illegals do to the ‘they’re just doing the jobs Americans won’t’ or ‘they’re just here to make a better life for themselves’ - it’s bs the left knows but lies about it to keep taking America down the crappy slippery slope of a socialistic 3rd world cesspool of (the coming) North American Union.

    Like I want to be failing like the EU or any of those countries that are about to succumb to Sharia Law. Like I want America to be the next Greece of most of the people employed by the government - having it all paid for and taken care of - and still rioting in the street because that isn’t enough.

    Go home - and take your non-citizen American born spawn with you - that the Klownposse in DC made up and let the 14th Amendment be a loophole for the scum and welfare cheats and terrorists of the World to cross over and squat and give birth and suddenly demand all the rights of American citizenship is pure and simple bs - and it is leading to our destruction most especially with the moron in the WH who is more concerned with turning State Dinners into juvenile spectacle at enormous cost to the tax payers (including the costs of the faux investigations to see who let the crashers in).

    It would be funny if it weren’t destroying America. God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/20/2010  at  09:05 PM  

  5. Hey gang,Remember that lil puzzle the SOKOs were trying to figure out.Well it seems they finally did and it was NOT a porpoise with a lazer gun:H/T to Wizbang

    A North Korean sub sinks a South Korean naval ship, the evidence is clear, and the United States of America, under Barack Hussein Obama, says nothing.


    A North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean navy ship in March causing the loss of 46 sailors, an international report has found.

    Investigators said they had discovered part of the torpedo on the sea floor and it carried lettering that matched a North Korean design.

    Perhaps someone could pull Obama away from his bash America party with the Mexican President and speak to this in some cogent way.  I’m sure the South Koreans would love to hear from America about this.

    Wouldn’t you think?

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/21/2010  at  01:20 AM  

  6. OCM & Punkin - that is the website I was talking about (Thanks OCM) - Yes it is that bad and then just transpose it onto your own state. While not all 50 states have this big of a problem - I do bet in proportion - the stats are basically just as bad.

    It needs to stop now. And it is the UNIONS who are pushing it too - want cheap slave labor but bodies to insure that the golden parachutes (or at least faux gold for the ‘workers’) can stick around until the American economy collapses and then the Government has to come in to rescue all the ‘failing’ businesses and wa-la - We have a 3rd World cesspool socialist ‘paradise’ - NOVEMBER CAN’T COME FAST ENOUGH.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/22/2010  at  07:30 AM  

  7. OCM - If Obama was born in HA he is an American citizen (of sorts) - Using the 14th Amendment loophole (aka an Anchor baby)but of course the Obama situation is much more convoluted and complicated than that.  Because Obama Sr was a British citizen at the time (Kenya became independent in 1963) and due to the law (go into the BMEWS archives and search the story of the woman on death row in TX who is being held up as a British citizen (She was born in St Kitz) and thus should not be executed) since 1948 - Obama Sr would automatically confer British citizenship on Obama Jr. And at time (1961) the US Law read that Ann could not confer citizenship upon Obama Jr as you had to be 19 to do that and Ann was 18 when Obama was born. So technically (and possibly legally) Obama is a US Citizen (most especially if Ann did not put Obama Sr on the BC, but certainly due to the Anchor baby loophole) but not eligible under the NBC clause of the Constitution. Also none of this brings into the fact that Obama Sr never divorced Kezia which brings in the legal aspects of bigamy or perhaps there never was a real marriage.

    Being a Constitutional crisis - once again - Biden would not step up - this is a whole different situation than an incapacitation or death and neither would Pelosi - It would null and void the entire election and America would hit reset. Imagine if you would - No Porkulus Bill, No Obamacare, No Czars and No Kegan (or for that matter Sotomyor) - We could actually fix America with a simple answer to simple questions that Constitutionally and within Federal Law - Obama, the DNC, the Senate and the Supreme Court should have done back in 2008 before this Master of the Universe wannabe was even elected.

    I simply find it astonishing and quite scary that so many Americans do not seem to be bothered by the Constitutional question/crisis that is in front of us because of this faux politician (he isn’t even very good at that). Most especially the US blacks - to have a halfrican who may not even be eligible - I think that would be even more insulting to them. But apparently a lying, halfrican who is a moron is quite acceptable to anyone who thinks that healthcare will be free, it’s Obama’s stash and that America is the worst human rights violator in the World.

    And almost No One in America seems to care at all - got to say that the Obama Thug Machine did a good job with the ‘birther’ smear - it worked like a charm.

    God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/24/2010  at  07:34 AM  

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