Another one of those “you don’t even have to look” news stories


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/01/2020 at 04:18 PM   
  1. A good long term plan for the continued election of liberals is to change education to superficially teach logic, math, literature, history, geography and science.

    The liberals/progressives can’t afford to have a literate, well-read, well-informed voting population with a sound base of general knowledge capable of objective analysis, discussion and independent thought.

    The establishment of the Federal Dept. of Education has resulted in the production of fewer and fewer thinking, analytical individuals; people who are prone to assumption, believe slogans and headlines, and vote Democrat.  The education system coupled with a biased, politically correct media has allowed the government to encroach more and more into everyday life, replacing liberty, freedom and actionable options with “entitlements” and new “rights” conducive to making a significant percentage of voters reliant on government largesse.

    Science, math and other analytic skills have been largely repressed by those who desire unthinking, distracted voters. From the coverage I’ve seen about the current STEM (lip service) money pits, they seem to be equivalent to the string, salt, ice cube experiment without fostering the curiosity needed to stimulate scientific inquiry. Of course, we are in an environment where Homeland Security would prefer to prohibit the mixing of ammonia & bleach while censoring the reason for the prohibition.  Even the basic use of spreadsheets requires a working knowledge of arithmetic and logical relationships. If we expect today’s students to do anything but use basic word processing they have to learn algebra and logic plus acquire an ability to analyze, question & reason.

    We should replace education with teaching, an archaic skill involving the promotion and encouragement of the acquisition of knowledge coupled with the ability to logically reason and assess presented situations and statements. Exposing ordinary people to these skills has become anathema to the ruling elite.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   08/04/2020  at  11:14 AM  

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