another off day


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/04/2016 at 10:33 PM   
  1. OK Smart guy, I love you but time to plow the road to the future.
    angel_devil  angel_devil  angel_devil  angel_devil

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/05/2016  at  03:02 AM  

  2. Drew, out here in the Colorado Rockies, I really DO have a Makrut (Kaffir Lime) tree growing in my house.  Only way to get the leaves.

    When I was young & energetic, I would make my own curry paste (*whew*), but these days, it’s Maesri cans for me…

    Posted by kjmerz    United States   05/05/2016  at  10:56 AM  

  3. Rich, is it too late to start the NOTA campaign? I can see no reason why the American people should not ALWAYS have the choice for any elected position, for None Of The Above. Rule: if NOTA draws 27% or greater share of the votes, or 13 or more states of the nation, then that election is invalid. Do it again, and none of the previous candidates, including the losers in the primaries, are allowed to run again.

    The second election would be 6 months from Nov. 4. In the meantime, the current occupant of the position steps down almost as soon as the votes are cast, and his #2 gets the job from Thanksgiving to the next voting. #2 is ineligible to run in the no-confidence revote campaigns.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/05/2016  at  06:35 PM  

  4. .Actually Drew that would mean Obullshit would stay in office until a successor is elected.
    Chew on that and tell me again,,Which ONE?
    cool smirk

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/05/2016  at  06:57 PM  

  5. No, I meant from the first vote, when it was apparent that NOTA won. So Biden would be in charge Nov 25 - Jan 20. Call it a penalty for being such a poor party player as president (alliteration much??) that you couldn’t get your party’s successor elected. The 3 week grace period 11/4-11/24 gives the O’s time to move out.

    Also, I’d put a Bad Grace rule into effect - no more than 4 presidential pardons on leaving, and none of them can go to your cabinet members or current or former secretaries or major department heads. Or “tsars”, come to think of it. And by God, there had never be any of those fuckers ever again. “Office of the President Elect”. What an uppity douche.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/06/2016  at  09:20 AM  

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