Another Data Masseuse Misses Happy Ending


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/27/2009 at 09:02 AM   
  1. Even though so far they are ignoring this and are sweeping as fast as they can to get it under the rug I hope at least a few of the KoolAid kids will wake up in the political arena.Elmer Gantry,ER, Al gore will not be swayed but maybe now someone on capitol hill besides Senator Imhofe will pay attention.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/27/2009  at  02:51 PM  

  2. Ive been in touch by email with D Wratt, he has taken the time to reply to both my emails, at least he does not seem to be a snotty elitist. He declined to answer my questions though. Here is my last email to him:-

    Dear David
    Thank you for your polite reply, I would like to know that if you are correct just why do we not embargo goods from dirty factories, especially as China outputs more CO2 than the US and EU together? the other fact that bothers me is we all run catalytic converters on our cars, without these we could use the older high test fuel in smaller quantities and emit far less CO2. It seems that on the whole AGW supporters have no worries about these 2 facts, also the Viking farms that were engulfed by ice have yet to fully emerge from the ice yet the English scientists found it pivotal to forge the evidence of global warming, have you read the disclosures from the CRU files? it is quite shocking and so far the director has accepted them as genuine but is only worried about the way the information became public. What are your opinions about scientists working out how to avoid complying with requests for information under the freedom of information act?
    Im sorry to ask you these questions, allthough I am a layman in the 1980s I had a fair amount of contact with atomic scientists from the Aldermaston research site, allthough I was there to sort out their computer terminals they were very open and honest and willing to educate me so these revelations shocked me. I have found this source excellent :-

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   11/27/2009  at  07:47 PM  

  3. Another thought we should all keep wikpedia edited to show the truth, it will be changed back of course but we just put it back, any takers (I just corrected the entry for carbon credits)

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   11/27/2009  at  08:29 PM  

  4. Yeah, I had it yesterday. There’s a great Ramirez cartoon with a thermometer in it also--the link is in the comments to my post about Google not promting searches for “ClimateGate.” If you didn’t see that--almost everyone has it now too--stop by. My job’s better than the rest.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   11/28/2009  at  11:15 PM  

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Next entry: Some outrageous junk to start the weekend. Good Morning World.


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