Ann Won’t Hug Trees


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/01/2007 at 02:31 AM   
  1. Skipper as always a thought provoking article. Yesterday in the UK the BBC ran a story about all these schmucks who bought their own “wind turbines” one of the hardware stores was flogging them for around £1500 or nigh on $3000 at today’s rate. They are shocked, shocked I say to learn that they have barely recouped a penny in generated electricity.

    These fools think that putting a silly windmill on your roof will offset the need for a power station. I think a lot of this comes down to basic ignorance of science. For too long in Britain scientists have been portrayed as crackpots. Countries like Japan the US and Germany respect scientists but in Britain they are a laughing stock. Science in schools continues to decline. Universities are closing Chemistry and Physics department whilst media studies and pseudo science like sociology and psychology flourish. The result is a nation of dipsticks who think they can power their homes from a puny 100w windmill. What these fools should do is hook their power generator up to a bicycle and see how long they can keep a 60w bulb burning for. Not long I think you will find.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   03/01/2007  at  03:16 AM  

  2. As usual, Ann’s right on the money.

    Posted by BobF    United States   03/01/2007  at  07:29 AM  

  3. Algore: The Ultimate Energy Hog (and Hypocrite Maximus):

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/01/2007  at  08:42 AM  

  4. This was supposed to be in the previous post:


    It is a pretty good likness of The Spotted Al…

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/01/2007  at  08:48 AM  

  5. I can remember reading an article when I was in school back in the late 50’s early 60’s, in either Popular Science, or, Popular Mechanics, (Yes, I’m that old) about using turbines anchored in the California Current to generate power for the whole pacific coast of the United States. 

    Guess who the nay-sayers were then? Not the engineers. It was the environmentalistas, . Because, maybe a whale or dolphin or a seals could get whacked by a turbine blade. Never mind that these things were so huge and turning so slowly that only an animal that was completely oblivious, or wounded and couldn’t swim at all, might get hit. And for get about the fact that the turbines could be protected with screens or with ultra-sonic warning systems, etc, etc.

    It’s just SSDD from the libs.  (Same Shit, Different Decade)

    Posted by DaToad    United States   03/01/2007  at  09:02 AM  

  6. Of course, these SAME environmentalists likely wouldn’t last any longer than most other folks if their electricity was permanently shut off, their jobs went away, the grocery stores closed, etc.  They would be the first ones complaining about the lack of HDTV, dishwashers and having to grow their own food.  Total idiots.

    Posted by John C    United States   03/01/2007  at  09:27 AM  

  7. And what is also NOT brought out is that Al’theskyisfallingandit’sallconservativehumansfault’Gore had 8 years as VP and his 2000 campaign to make this issue #1 but alas he chose not too - wonder why? Perhaps because he owned 3 houses back then and wanted the campaign contributions from those evil corporations?

    What a crock.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/01/2007  at  10:30 AM  

  8. Ann hit it right on with this one.  The environmental movement has actually become class warfare.  The irony of it is that Marxism was supposed to eliminate social and economic classes, yet the liberal descendants of Marx are actually creating greater and greater class and racial distinctions.  Total lunacy.

    So today, we have an interesting situation.  The liberals are promoting class, religious and racial divisions and the conservatives are fighting for the equality of all.  Just goes to show that God has a sense of humor and liberals don’t.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/02/2007  at  01:46 PM  

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