Angry Mexicans


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/18/2006 at 09:13 AM   
  1. could jose over come this? i dont think so grin this is one obstacle he does not want to come across LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/18/2006  at  09:06 AM  

  2. the border here is now under control, thanks skip, (and thats not a snide remark) grrr

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/18/2006  at  09:14 AM  

  3. I am so sick of this garbage. Political hacks who are so immersed into their earmark/lobby/kickback scams that none of them seems to give a damn about America anymore. The more and more I learn about the bills (especially the Senate bill) and listen to McCain calling anti-illegal immigration American citizens heartless, Kennedy saying it will cost too much to secure the border and so on the more angry I get.

    Mark my word - this bunch and now bloviator Rep. Murtha again attacking his former branch of service - claiming Marines in Hit, purposely killed civilians - are going to rue the day they sold America out to criminals.

    The backlash isn’t going to be pretty. Why aren’t they learning - Gore is a joke, Kerry is an embarrassment, and Dean is a joke - remember Hart or Dukakis - other idiots who seriously put their feet in their mouths. If they keep selling us out - they won’t be there, because believe it or not - dead people, felons and illegals aren’t going to keep bailing them out with their ‘votes’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/18/2006  at  09:54 AM  

  4. The Senate bill is bullshit.  If we can’t enforce existing laws, why should we believe any new law will be enforced? 

    I wrote my Senators and Representative yesterday, and said, paraphrasing:

    seal the border
    no amnesty
    no amnesty disguised as guestworker program
    penalize employers of illegals, harshly
    build tent cities, round up and deport illegals

    Stop treating the people who elected you as though we are too stupid to see through the platitudes and meaningless posturing.

    We are really, really angry.
    We are really, really angry at the Republicans that we put in power, who have frittered away the power of the majority that we gave you.  We’re not going to stay away or vote Democratic this November, but all RINO’s and do-nothings in Congress had best do the right thing between now and November or millions more like me who have heretofore been silent will be heard in the primaries.

    We are really, really angry.  Got that?

    Posted by dick    United States   05/18/2006  at  09:58 AM  

  5. We cannot round up and deport masses of people. Can you see the CNN images of little Conchita crying in her mother’s arms as a big mean old boarder or ICE guy pushes them onto a waiting truck juxtaposed with images of Jews being rounded up in Europe in the 30’s? Bogus comparison, but it would be made.

    No, the thing to do is to push them out from the inside. Put “meaningful” consequences on some big US companies that use illegals. The description of “meaningful” is up in the air – maybe a guaranteed fine and minimum 5 years back IRS audit. However the effect would be to ripple waves of nervousness throughout the American workforce. Nobody would want the ICE guys coming after them next, and illegals would find themselves being pushed out or put into the legalization process.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   05/18/2006  at  10:25 AM  

  6. rickvid why did you let it get to this stage in the first place?

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/18/2006  at  10:49 AM  

  7. ok on one of my jobs there was an illegle, he was ok done the work ect nice guy,but not employed by me, one of my guys brought the police to my site, he was stopped at lunchtime for drink driving, 100 yards from the job, i had to say who he was ect, now if you need someone to run 100 m real fast,(the illegal) hes your man , dident catch his name, to fast LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/18/2006  at  11:11 AM  

  8. I really truly don’t think that anyone is really advocating the mass (in the dead of night) roundup of illegals which is why that mental picture is used - stop feeling guity for what the criminals are doing. I am here legally, my parents were here legally, their parents either were here legally or immigrated legally. I do not feel guilty for wanting to close the borders, enforce immigration laws, deport people here illegally and limit immigration and raise to stricter standards and smaller numbers the number of people allowed to come here - both to immigrate and just here on visas.

    Dick - that is almost word for word what I wrote to my representatives. The stupid, moronic illegals and their incitors just never realized (just like the damn feminazis and gay activists) had they just kept their heads down and their mouths shut - they could have stayed here forever. Now the war is on - and I hope to God that enough of these spineless weasels in Washington DC actually stand up and do the right thing.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/18/2006  at  01:45 PM  

  9. Oh yeah - forgot this,

    Angry American : Sie habla this - it’s not about Immigration, it’s about being ILLEGALLY in America.


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/18/2006  at  01:47 PM  

  10. peiper did read about bulgaria, most other eu states have a block on this lot except us,and you have got the french n germans trying to make the eu bigger,peiper, lets just watch the yanks and see how they deal with there mexican problem, i just hope they dont run away and come to England, that would mean the end of mcDs as we know it grin just joking
    big_us_flag OK.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   05/18/2006  at  04:16 PM  

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