And like that, it’s over


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/30/2009 at 03:51 PM   
  1. Awful timing as HR 2454 just passed the house and is about to be sent to the Senate for consideration.

    Bleak times indeed.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   06/30/2009  at  05:58 PM  

  2. First off, I do believe that Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska is still on the fence for cap-and-tax.  He’s one Dem that could throw a monkey wrench into the Obamachine.

    Also, with all of these things that the Left is trying to ram down our throats, and Gallup’s latest poll numbers showing that a lot of Americans think that the Democrat Party is too liberal, the way that they will show their displeasure is at the ballot box.  November 2nd, 2010 isn’t that far away.  Both the House and Senate will fall to the Republicans, and the Obots are in for a rough night on November 6th, 2012.

    I wonder if any of the western Dems could suffer a recall election?

    And, remeber that all 60 have to show up to get those things through.  Teddy Kennedy is in a hospital, and so is Sheets Byrd.  The longer they stay alive, and unreplaced, the better.

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   07/01/2009  at  04:40 AM  

  3. I think we are getting verrrry close to an armed uprising.  Whether you call it a revolution or a civil war, it’s coming.  After what we have seen in Iran in the last couple of weeks with protestors armed with rocks and standing up (and dying) to AK armed thugs, I don’t want to hear whines and wimpers about “no violence or blood”. Either we as a people have a backbone or we don’t.  Wait until 2010 or 2012 elections?  HA!  Voting in Minnisota worked out well didn’t it?  They “found” boxes of votes in cars that were uncounted initially and they all happened to be from leftist areas. Gee, fucking surprise!And now we are stuck with a leftist shithead in the senate.  And with the Acorn homeys helping with the census and the WH in charge of the count, your vote will have as much impact as much as fart in a class 5 hurricane.

    Posted by Corsair    United States   07/01/2009  at  05:36 AM  

  4. Corsair I agree, but there is a non-violent way to git er done - Repeal the 16th Amendment - take away the Federal Income Tax - sell it to your State Gov & Representatives as - As the Founders Intended, the Taxation & Spending will be Local! All that is needed is 32 States - and considering that the Obama Thug Administration is 1)just a step away from making all taxpayers in America fund that social failure - CA, 2) just a step away from securing all 3 branches of government, 3) just a step away from taking down one of the last important (vitally) aspect of freedom - our private choices on healthcare and 4) is just a step away from securing a massive take over of private, free and open elections/census - thus creating a One Party System (i.e. dictatorship/tyranny) there is no time to be lost.

    If the Federal Government no longer has control of our Money - they can no longer do all this bogus stuff that hides massive taxes, scams, pork, earmarks and ways to control each and every aspect of each and every life in America.

    Have you read the idiotic (that Rep Boehner read on the House floor) 300 page Amendment to the Cap & Trade - that your house must be up to ‘enviro wacko CA codes’ and will be inspected before you can even put it up for sale? Talk about destroying the housing market.

    But in that vein - it appears that even some Dems are not about to step out for the Kennedy Free (wink, wink) Healthcare for All, Illegals First bill - 18 headed by Rep Boren (D, OK) have sent a letter that they can not vote for a Healthcare bill that makes abortion to be considered a healthcare issue and paid for by tax dollars. Even my Dem puppet signed onto the letter - I was shocked.

    Anyway - we need to take away their Money - even just ginning up the masses - will move faster and make more of an impact than waiting until even the 2010 elections - and wtf does it matter if we throw them out - my Dem puppet is a freshman and votes 99% of the time on the Party line? We need to take away their POWER - and to them MONEY is Power.


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/01/2009  at  06:30 AM  

  5. They can be stopped, just the way the country was started. It will start with enforcement of a different Amendement, the 10th:

    “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

    So far, 35 states have introduced legislation this year asserting their power under the Tenth Amendment to regulate all matters not specifically delegated to the federal government by the Constitution.

    His Wholly Reluctance God/King Obama can shove his Hope & Change, Global Warming Fraud, power grab right up his ass.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   07/01/2009  at  01:15 PM  

  6. Oh--where it comes to cap-and-tax, Kent Conrad said that isn’t going to make it.  Too many Dems realize that it would be political suicide for them to vote for it, according to Mort Kondracke of Roll Call. (Imagine that--they’re looking out for their own interests, rather than those of the Obamessiah!  Heresy!)

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   07/01/2009  at  05:58 PM  

  7. Republicans became irrelevant when they didn’t lynch Bush for spending like a Democrat.
    They alienated most of the party, especially me, by acting like a bunch a nuttless commie libs.  I changed to Independent and the GOP can go straight to hell.  If they had shown any balls at all, any character, we wouldn’t have the first African American Fuhrer sitting in what used to be the most honored office in the land.  There is no Republican party.  Just a bunch of thieving asswipes calling themselves Republicans.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   07/01/2009  at  06:53 PM  

  8. grayjohn, you got it.
    They thought they could win by being Dem Lite--and considering the Dems are now the Communist Party, even though they keep trying endless euphemisms--it wasn’t an entirely insane concept, just functionally insane. Especially when, as you say, they started spending like drunken heiresses.
    Still, His Wholly Reluctance God/King Obama is running the most openly corrupt administration in U.S. history--openly bribing house members for their Global Warming crap votes, killing investigations by firing all the attorneys general, etc. Eventually, even the imbeciles who ignored his Marxist admissions on the campaign trail will get it. I just hope it’s soon.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   07/01/2009  at  09:42 PM  

  9. Hey all - I have to run (out of town, again) but trundle on over to Michelle Malkin - and catch HR2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, in the 300 page Amendment, Section B, Part H, Section 788 -


    I.E. LEFT BLANK TO FILL IN LATER. (it looks more impressive in the text and visual copy than my printing - technology hates me - and won’t work for me when my hubby is gone]

    I dashed off a note this AM to my DEM crapweasel that how a single solitary one of them could have voted for this is beyond reason, common sense, Constitutionality and just plain sanity.

    Please work on contacting your senators and stop this monstrosity now.

    And even on Fox last night was a commercial - ‘I lost my job and we need universal healthcare now’ - what a crock - how is that going to change a damn thing for this moroon - she will still be a moroon when it is passed - and still not have healthcare coverage!

    [I’m beginning to see why some requirements for eligibility to vote used to be in place - and I see why the DNC fights so rabidly against any requirements what-so-ever]

    God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/02/2009  at  08:23 AM  

  10. Sigh, the sheep are truly asleep, this is going to hurt everyone not just Republicans but Democrats and Independents as well.  I have several friends who are completely clueless as to what’s coming… But they just LOVE OBAMA!  This from blue state Connecticut, one of the most expensive states in the Union next to NY/NYC. 

    Suddenly, it won’t be the America we all know and love any more… There will be an enormous backlash once all the “change” that is starting to roll down hill hits the general populations pocket books.  So when it all comes crashing down, the economy tanks, inflation goes through the roof, millions more out of work, and we get dragged into World War III…

    Then either two things will occur, one, the people rise up and toss the bums and the lawyers out of Washington or two, the good Lord makes a reappearance and then about a third of the population of earth will vanish.  Thus leaving the rest to seven years of tribulation, wars, famine, plague, earthquakes, storms, floods, etc. until the final battle…

    Posted by MJS    United States   07/03/2009  at  10:52 AM  

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