Anchor This


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/12/2010 at 08:06 AM   
  1. Thats the ticket Drew. Get it all out. Vent till your hoarse. Its cathartic and healthy.
    Feel Better now? OK, Read this:

    “Islam is a religion of peace.” That is what every Western leader says every time a Muslim sets something off.
    They never tell us which ones they think are the violent religions. But for Islam it’s a win-win. Knock down a tower and everyone in government says how terrific Islam is. Build a tower and everyone in government says how terrific Islam is. Either way it’s a gain for Islam.

    Subway bombs? “Peace.” Airline plots? “Peace.” Car bombs? “Peace.” It must be hard these days being a violent jihadi. No one in power believes what you say. It’s just impossible to get your message across.

    The U.S. authorities are making the same mistakes, and in exactly the same order, as those that the British government has made. Violent Islam is the problem and therefore some other form of yet to be decided upon peaceful Islam is the solution. Either way, win for Islam. Whatever the question, the answer is “Islam.”

    In my experience this is a terrible mistake. The answer to violent Islam is not Islam. And contra every liberal pundit practicing their religion of peace and acceptance speech, building a mosque by ground zero is not a counter-argument to violent Islam. It is an apology, and an offering, to it.

    If the people who are building the ground zero mosque cared about improving Islam’s image they would have taken their mosque elsewhere.
    H/T to AoS

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/12/2010  at  04:17 PM  

  2. Open borders and open ignorance to the deception of islam are going to cause a bigger problem than our economy (although the first leads well into the economy problems) I read somewhere (AT maybe) a good commentary on why our ignorance of islam as in What it means to be an American is so dangerous. But it is also with the hispanic illegal influx too.

    Immigration used to be about coming here to be American, thanks to the ever divisive (pick a race and fill in the block) Left and cowtowing and bending to a zillion different languages on a gazillion different forms - there is no motivation, there is no need to assimilate - simply get someone who can read and tell you where to fill in what and sign - and Uncle Obama takes care of you forever.

    Deport - start with the obvious adult illegal aliens and criminal criminal illegal aliens (yes on purpose redundant, perhaps some Leftist might then understand how Stuck on Stupid they are in this particular area) - and then stop permitting the anchor babies - don’t overturn the 14th, don’t change it - simply make it a clear law - that the 14th was meant in the 1800s and early 1900s to prevent the deportation of slaves and descendants of slaves and thus do not apply to anyone born in the US since 1900 to illegal aliens or travelers not American citizens. Revoke citizenships to any ‘anchor baby’ born in the last 10 year and deport, deport, deport - and for those born in the US - add any medical bills they racked up as ‘illegals’ to include their ‘anchor baby’s’ birth - to all debts to be paid before they are entitled to any social services/entitlements or citizenship rights.

    Bet you - America’s illegal alien problem would end over night.

    As for the islamic problem - how in the name of God do they swear to uphold the Constitution to become citizens? Bet they don’t and thus are part of the above problem - an allegiance to a foreign country while ‘claiming’ to be American.

    I thought America did not allow dual citizenship - most especially to a political ideology that seeks to destroy America.

    Ignorance and the vile duplicitous of the Left is going to destroy America.

    Come on GOP - stand up for WE THE PEOPLE for once in your stupid, rich, money grabbing power sucking lives - Your gonna go down with us too - Don’t think for a second, illegals, islam or even the Left will grant you one ounce of sympathy or quarter in the end - none of them have souls, none of them have morals, none of them could care less that you cooperated and assisted - they will see you as the useful idiots that you are.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/13/2010  at  08:31 AM  

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