An Omen In Wisconsin?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/06/2012 at 08:31 AM   
  1. Yeah. The sad thing looking at this is how differently OH went after the exact same thing. The unions here went after the legislation (SB5) and got it on the ballot and won. Sadly no one noticed that on the exact same ballot - the OH rebuke of Obamacare passed by the exact same margin. Because the union money grabbers aren’t about to cast aside their golden healthcare plans even for Obama.

    We have a city that hasn’t met a budget in decades - so this moronic mayor & co pass a street-car (translation, union construction gig) and all the crap down on the waterfront. While screeding about police/firefighter cuts and dragging out the Brent Spence repair forever. And like the Underground Railroad museum - these too will fail (meanwhile the private (and despised) Creation museum across the river is doing very well, in spite of being out in the middle of nowhere.

    I predict that the vile casino will fail - yes it might mean jobs - but in an area with at least a 11% unemployment rate - who is going to spend here - when we are surrounded with states who have casinos which aren’t doing much to raise their states booty anymore. See Nevada -highest unemployment rate in the US, highest foreclosure rate in the US and oh, btw when was the last time you heard a damn thing about Atlantic city? A casino on every corner isn’t the answer, any more than ‘creating’ a zillion unionized gov jobs to fix this economy.

    And how has the lottery helped Education - which is the first screed all the libs make when the word CUT is bandied about?

    Liberals believe money is power - simply because the 1% they despise have all the ‘goodies’ that they sooooo want - but tell me how the trillions dumped into all the entitlement programs, education, Africa or any of the other liberal ‘solutions’ have done a damn thing other than make the average Joe and Jane impoverished of hope, money, freedom and less likely to achieve the American Dream than any other generation since the founding of this great Nation?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/06/2012  at  09:27 AM  

  2. The most offensive anti-SB5 ad I heard was on the radio with a hushed voice calling 911 to tell the police that there was a burgler in the house and the caller was told that they did not have any officers to help and they should lock the bedroom door.  Because THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU if public service unions are curtailed in any way.

    I realize that every election has dirty ads but that one stuck in my craw sideways.

    Posted by Reverend Jim    United States   06/06/2012  at  12:00 PM  

  3. "survived” says the headline ... even though the vote was a major blowout for Walker ... even though there are MAJOR allegations that the ballot boxes were utterly stuffed by voters bussed in from out of state by the unions ... the news media still leads with “survived”. “Trounced”, “Smashed”, “Annihilated” are all far closer to the truth.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/06/2012  at  04:28 PM  

  4. Even here in California, the tide is turning. 

    Diane Feinstein got less than 50% in the Democrat’s primary.  It’s a little weird here, but for comparison, the Republican winner got 79%.  She’s vulnerable for the first time since she got elected.  She may get re elected in November, but it won’t be the sort of easy contest she’s been used to for a long time.

    The momentum is starting to build.  Keep beating the drums.  We may be fighting the political fight of the Century and we’re only 12 years in!

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/07/2012  at  01:02 AM  


    I will keep beating the drum - sign it please and PASS IT ON - we need to show the Dems, Obama and the spineless, gutless Repubs/RINOs/Go along to get along moroons - that Americans are sick and tired of bending over and taking it in the wallet and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

    I heard San Diego and another CA city also enacted a bit of Union bennie trim - if it can pass in CA - there IS HOPE FOR AMERICA.

    Yeah, Reverend Jim - I think that those police/fire ads are beginning to tell on most people - it is the local pols first screed of choice - but we never see the cuts and then they still come up with stupid and unnecessary ‘projects’ to waste even more money on.

    Here we sent the Sheriff packing after he did a dem-like ad about cutting back - and of course the fact that he drags his feet on conceal carry permits didn’t help either.

    I do think that slowly the tide is turning.

    On casinos - I just heard that NY is planning on using them to ‘aid’ their economy - is there something in the water that these pols drink - or is it in the kool-aid?!?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/07/2012  at  06:49 AM  

  6. This is also from Townhall - on the Walker win - but the videos are priceless:

    Hitler Finds out Scott Walker wins in WI

    and the Republican Governors Association

    GOP Mocks Liberal Pundits

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/07/2012  at  10:03 AM  

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