Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 08/27/2008 at 09:09 AM   
  1. Screw PC. The one and only part of it that is worthwhile is the movement to stop disliking people automatically because they belong to some category. White. Male. Straight. Educated. Or any of the others. That makes sense: judge people as individuals. And that is where PC should have stopped. Ok, maybe the ethnic jokes had to go too.

    The rest of it is horse hockey, from the emasculation of our language, to the concept that racism is inherent in people because they are white, to the destruction of marriage and the family unit, to the loss of national identity in favor of “me-ism” and multi-culti. It’s all crap ... and probably a commie plot too.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/27/2008  at  01:26 PM  

  2. The purpose of remaking all references to “human” as “man” is simple and obvious, but you’ll never see or hear it openly admitted. The purpose is to not only do away with the implied “man=human”, BUT TO REPLACE IT with the implied “male=sexist”, therefore “male=subhuman”. It’s one of the oldest and most standard propaganda tactics. Dehumanize your enemies. They aren’t Vietnamese people, they’re gooks. Etc etc, all the way back to Sun-Tzu and Gaius Iulius Caesar.

    As for “the concept that racism is inherent in people because they are white”.... as was brought up in a conversation I had this morning, yes, there are some people who will refuse to vote for Sen. Hussein simply because he’s black. And yes, that’s racist. But there are also a LOT of people who WILL vote for him simply because he’s black. And that’s equally racist. I would think that a lefty with any sense of self-preservation wouldn’t want to go there. But then of course, the flaw in that logic is the implication that a lefty would THINK.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   08/28/2008  at  09:15 AM  

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