Americans are ‘illiterate’ about climate change, claims expert.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/29/2009 at 04:53 AM   
  1. We may be illiterate, but unlike the rest of the world, we know bullshit when we see it, or hear it, or when it falls from the skies.  Whining, environazis be damned.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/29/2009  at  06:19 AM  

  2. Wasn’t it just the week before last when new data was released that showed that the worst waste heat and greenhouse gas emitting countries were China, India, and parts of Africa? Data that was gathered by super-scientific satellites? I think so. So the countries that would pretty much be EXEMPT from all these plans are the ones that are the worst “offenders”. And China and India have already told everyone that, as far as this kind of “anti-pollution” treaty goes, they can all go blow smoke.

    And we’ve seen the crunched numbers that show that even if the USA ceased to create any waste heat or greenhouse gas AT ALL it would hardly be a drop in the bucket.

    And yes, we can smell BS a mile away ...

    So we’re not totally illiterate (hey, my parents were married long before I was born!).

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/29/2009  at  07:02 AM  

  3. So we’re not totally illiterate (hey, my parents were married long before I was born!)

    Great one Drew LOL

    This whole issue is just like Healthcare in America - the obvious, least costly solutions (Portability/National Purchase of Insurance, HSAs, Tort Reform and my favorite - Deport Illegal Aliens as they are found (did you see the figures are out for the measly few 2006 raids - those jobs went to Americans (a big boom in this economy) and in the east coast one - many illegals self-deported as they feared more raids - it works))would fix the most serious problems without massive legislation (and oh btw could have/should have been done by now. But no - Our Klownposse in DC cheerleadered by The Won want to control,expand and include every single fricken person in the US into Obamacare. Which dooms every single taxpaying, legal American citizen for the future to come.

    Like Healthcare ‘reform’ Glowball Warning is not about climate (or else the biggest polluters) but more control as they attempt to legalize a OneGloballWorld with the head honcho The Won (who mysteriously ascends to the Head of the UN in the horrible economic collapse, piggy sniffles epidemic of obese idiots of 2010 pandemic).

    The polls in America are skewed as 1) We know bs and GW is bs so why bother, 2)we have one side extremely concerned with the destruction of America and the other side busy destroying America, 3) People in Brazil, China and most other countries are told what to do and think - so any variation is nil and 4) Most Americans with brains are looking for employment or working to stay alive - not answering stupid polls.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/29/2009  at  07:51 AM  

  4. Most Americans with brains are looking for employment or working to stay alive - not answering stupid polls.

    You’re awesome Wardmom! And right too.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/29/2009  at  11:00 AM  

  5. BS is easy to see-smell.most Americans don’t want to step in it.
    it is all about control!

    Posted by Rancino    United States   09/29/2009  at  11:22 AM  

  6. Wardmama for president!!!! I agree, the big question is what to do? (not buy a car with a hydrogen motor as they emit water vapor, one of the worst genuine greenhouse gasses) by the way how is the world harvest doing?

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/29/2009  at  08:14 PM  

  7. Honestly, I am starting to think that the “Green” lobby is Darwinism on a national, supranational, or civilizational level. Nature is about survival of the fittest, and that includes stepping on things.

    The Chinese recognize this, as do the Russians, and the Muslim world, and the Indians (if for no other reasons than because they need an industrial revolution and because of the threat from China).

    The West doesn’t.

    Well, I guess I can’t be surprised. A nation that skimps on the necessities for feel-good pleasantries will be overwhelmed by a force that has not.

    Sad that it is the West that is falling victim to this, though.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   09/29/2009  at  10:34 PM  

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