american airlines suck as they screw old employee out of some benefits for being pc incorrect


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/09/2011 at 09:52 AM   

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   03/09/2011  at  07:38 PM  

  2. Judging an 82 year old guy - by one word - wow. I’m sick of this crappola. My Mom talked terribly when talking about blacks (made my youngest cringe) but going through the family things I have seen how much - over and over - they helped every single black person they came in contact with - even taking family pictures & including them in the albums (how many people would do that for the hired help)?

    It was simply the time they grew up in & a subset of people who were insecure about themselves putting it out on someone else - doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t give the shirt off their back to those people - if the situation presented itself.

    You can’t change who you are or how you were raised - just because some amoral, base, vile people [teabagger for instance on THEIRside or shall I quote some of the ‘pc’ things said since 2008 about Sarah Palin - wait I don’t think BMEWS has the space] want to force anyone not them to STFU by stiffling their right to speak and exist via the ‘law’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/10/2011  at  07:46 AM  

  3. I guess the term faggot isn’t exactly a compliment and I’ll be darned if I know the origin.
    It usually referred to hot coals. Didn’t it? Or a bundle of sticks. Something like that.
    In the case of this old fellow, considering how he used the word, I don’t really think he used it with insult or hate. Just his figure of speech from that generation. Mine too for that matter.  But the Airline sure treated him poorly and this pc crappola will only get worse.  Pretty soon people won’t have a clue as to what they can or can’t say and how what they say will be taken.  What a silent world when everyone has to shut the hell up.
    Except the neighbor’s damn dog!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/10/2011  at  11:37 AM  

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