America Alone?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/11/2007 at 11:21 PM   
  1. I think the give-away on this was the presence of Slick Willy at the announcement of his “campaign” for the premiership. I suppose the only crumb of comfort is that I can’t see the electorate buying into this miserable bastard. Most likely it will give the Conservatives a boost. He may have been good at keeping the economy ticking along but being Prime Minister is a different kettle of fish and one I doubt he is up too.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/12/2007  at  03:03 AM  

  2. Oh, no. Was the Arkansas Rapist there? This bodes ill, LyndonB. I hope you’re right about Labour getting a no-confidence vote or however you folks do it over there. We have enough problems with our own barmey idiots over here trying to surrender to the terrorists.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   05/12/2007  at  04:45 AM  

  3. Skipper you’re a bad man! That comment about Bill made me chuckle. I have heard they are using the Democrats PR people to try and make Brown appear almost human. Instead of the robotic misery he usually comes across as. Regarding the no confidence vote. It is very unlikely as it would be a case of turkeys voting for Christmas. The Labour party has a massive majority and it is highly unlikely they would contemplate bringing the government down. Not least because a lot of them are in marginal seats and would be out of a very lucrative job. We have our own share of pork barrel politics here too. It looks like we will have to wait till 2009 at the earliest.

    Speaking of ex Dummy craps were you aware that Labour want to make every High School in the UK show Gorebag’s film An inconvenient truth? I believe a group of parents have got together to challenge the government in the courts, so it is in abeyance for now, but they would have got away with this bit of indoctrination had they not stepped in.

    To return to the original story this clown has introduced a series of stealth taxes for the past ten years. He is an old school socialist who thinks government should tell people how to live their lives. As far as Iraq goes I can smell cut and run in the air. I hope I am wrong, but the BBC is the most important source of news for most people here. They were against the war from the outset. They never put out any positive stories and most people assume we are losing. The other big network ITN uses CNN for a lot of it’s source material...need I say more?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/12/2007  at  09:05 AM  

  4. LyndonB, I heard about the “Inconvenient Lies” kerfuffle going on over there. Al Gore has been making repeated trips to England browbeating everyone he can find and pushing his voodoo science off on some very gullible MP’s. Your politicians are almost as stupid as ours. Almost - but not quite. We still have the cream of the looney crop.

    The general feeling I’m getting over here is we pretty much are just waiting for Brown to pull the plug on Iraq. We know the heat Blair took over Iraq and Brown gives us the appearance of blow-with-the-wind kind of guy. He has waited too long to step into the PM job and he’s not about to jeopardize it by sticking it out in Iraq. The only question left is whether he will pull Britain out of Afghanistan also.

    If he is a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist as you say then you’re in deep bollocks as Bulldog might say. Socialism is what brought the Moosies running to Britain and it is what sustains them when they get there. Then they turn around around and blow things up. The Socialist response to their violence so far has been to just throw more money at the assholes and hope they will stay “bought off”.

    It’s funny when you look at it ... France is drifting Right and Britain is drifting Left. Germany is over-run with Muslims, Italy is enjoying its normal state of confusion and Spain has dropped out of it all. Europe is lost.

    Except for Poland and the Czech Republic. They’re still cool.

    Overall, Europe is dieing a slow death and will be pretty much gone to hell when the next century arrives. Thankfully, I will be gone too. Hopefully, not to hell.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   05/12/2007  at  09:33 AM  

  5. Skip, are tryin’ to send the bulldog into cardiac arrest, or what?

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   05/12/2007  at  09:30 PM  

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