Almost To The Top


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/08/2011 at 08:25 AM   
  1. Given the mentality of government drones - don’t do anything without permission from your boss; don’t do anything that smacks of initiative - the odds of Holder, Napolitano, and Hillary not knowing about this are vanishingly slight.

    An op run by a federal LEO (DOJ - Holder) that is aimed at narcoterrorists along our southern border (Homeland Security - Napolitano) and that directly affects a foreign country (State Dept. - Hillary) and NO ONE KNEW? Gimme a break…

    I might be inclined to give obama a pass on this one. Holder, Napolitano, and Hillary don’t play golf, so they probably weren’t able to get any face time with the bozo-in-chief.

    <insert picture of ostrich with its head in the sand here>

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   07/08/2011  at  11:14 AM  

  2. Not only ‘government drones’ - but with the signing of the stimulus bill - President Obama HAD to know that funding was in there for this whole mess.

    So intentionally running guns - not to a ‘resistance’ group but rather to drug lords (Mexico) and gangs (Honduras) - Weaponsgate indeed.

    Just remember - oh so holy than thou Leftist/Liberal - NO ONE DIED with Watergate - it was a simple break in to a political party and coverup - This is a taxpayer funded fraud to arm drug lords and gang members in foreign countries to be able to enact gun control laws in America.

    I just hope that someone with guts, backbone and knowledge of the Constitution, the Law and rational common sense finally goes after this guy and IMPEACHES him for the high crimes he is guilty of. This petty little chip-on-his-shoulder man-child is so insecure, so desperate, so self-absorbed that I have no doubt that he micromanages everything - and thus not only knows about it - but was behind it. He is nothing but a petty tyrant and needs to be dealt with.

    Omg - where is someone/anyone willing to stand up for America?

    To end on good news - OH reached over 540,000 petitions to put a Constitutional Amendment vote on the ballot in November 2012 - to opt Ohio out of TWMBR.

    It’s a start.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/09/2011  at  09:59 AM  

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