All Your Stupid Is Belong To Us


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/04/2011 at 09:33 AM   
  1. For your go and spend paragraph - come on Drew - We’re the wrong color for those gimmies.

    BTW, it only took 56 men to stand up and say Hell No to the King (with a few of their friends) and create the greatest, freest, richest Nation on earth.

    This is just the last straw that will awaken the working Silent Majority to put an end to this crappola.

    This isn’t 1933, nor even 1995 - We The People have the Tea Party to help Take Back America.

    And contrary to what ever these crapweasels in DC proclaim, nothing written in their corrupt halls is forever - It can be undone - with a mere 2/3rds of the States saying Hell No.

    America ain’t dead yet.

    Who is John Galt?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/04/2011  at  01:43 PM  

  2. BTW, it only took 56 men to stand up and say Hell No to the King (with a few of their friends) and create the greatest, freest, richestbrokest Nation on earth.

    fixed that for your Wardmama. How did it come to this though and where is the money going? Actually Drew I am somewhat more optimistic that it will eventually come good. Obumboy is a one hit wonder. He wont be re-elected and the US is going to face some real turmoil, but your cradle to grave welfare is not as ingrained as it is in most European countries and many Americans still have a can do approach to bettering their lot rather than expecting the state to bail them out. Nevertheless now is the time to stock up on beans, rice and canned goods. Keep your powder dry too!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   08/04/2011  at  02:12 PM  

  3. You know - I fault all the sane and good people back in the 1930s. Take Social Security for example - maybe because when it was ‘forced upon us all’ - there were so many professions exempted - that the people really thought it was to take care of the ‘poor’. My Dad (a Doctor) was not ‘forced’ into it until 1965 (hmmm, now why does that year sound so familiar?!?) - but read some of the facts on it - ‘contributions’ (i.e. forced wealth redistribution - a mere portion of which may or may not come back to you) percentages have shot sky high. The po’ get the highest proportion of return (11.7%) compared to the more wealthy contributors (5.0%) and of course more and more of both out and in monies are being taxed as the years go on.

    My point is that the Constitutionalists, Smaller Gov., middle class etc have incrementally allowed us to get to this point.  And The Big Os ‘win’ - the Dems set that up by 8 years of ‘selected not elected’ - blah, blah, blah and rigged (with ACORN & OHs register/vote scam) - to insure that the fix was in (if even half of the 14 states with ACORN fraud were fraudulent - he would not have won, so much for the ‘investigations’ into those charges) - but it goes back to the certification process. Scream holy heck and demand every single raised seal piece of official documentation from McAmnesty but accept a crappy scanned Certification of Live Birth from the worst example of an anchor baby that exists in America today. Just another spit at the Constitution, the Rule of Law and another way to tear down American borders and American sovereignty.

    But when we’re broke what the heck will it matter - We will just be another 3rd World socialist cesspool of mediocre subhuman slaves. Real O-bots.

    Somehow I still feel that at least 51% of America won’t let that happen. And even at the end of this debt debacle 60% were polling NOT to raise the debt ceiling. So how is America a ‘representative’ Republic anymore?

    America is not broken, the Constitution is not moot - We are simply NOT being governed at all by real people’s representatives, nor are the majority of them Constitutionalists at all.  We don’t need a New Government - We need NEW People to serve in government who are truly representing We The People.

    Let’s hope that the Tea Party can step up to the challenge.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/05/2011  at  07:21 AM  

    And this is NOTHING compared to the rest I have for later.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   08/07/2011  at  09:10 AM  

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