All Sarah, All the Time


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/02/2008 at 02:36 PM   
  1. What next? an Obama - Palin debate?

    Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 She would so eat his lunch! No teleprompters, off the cuff answers. No prescreening the questions to prepare. Just: Here, answer this one.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/02/2008  at  06:58 PM  

  2. The Rumour Mill is active.

    The latest is this:

    “Sarah Palin herself may not have had a ring on her finger when she conceived her first child.”

    This was not considered a scandal by my swedish ancestors.
    It was important to have a proven ability to produce Farm hands.

    They lived on remote farms and may have only gotten to town once or twice a year.

    So, If a young couple made a commitment to each other, only the immediate family may have known, until it was recorded in the Parish records.

    There is a saying, “The first child can come at any time, all the others take nine Months.”

    Yes, I am a Conservative But, I will not Judge a couple that has made a commitment,
    even if there was no preexisting Marriage.

    What matters is what they did after they became aware of the consequences of their actions.
    Did they follow an ethical coarse of action or did they evade responsibility?

    In Sweden, All children are considered to be a Gift from God.

    Another Saying, “There are no Illegitimate Children, Only Illegitimate Parents.”

    Posted by SwedeBoy    United States   09/02/2008  at  08:37 PM  

  3. I had a thought. The fact that Bristol is preggers with her boyfriend really knocks the wind out of the “Trig is hers and Sarah is just faking motherhood” line, doncha think?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/02/2008  at  10:48 PM  

  4. I just saw video on Fox of the McCains, complete with bunches o’ kids, the Palins, complete with bunches o’ kids, and I think Bristol’s soon to be into the bargain. Looked like a trailer for a “Cheaper By The Dozen” remake. And because that was only a minute or two ago, I’m still having fun with the thought of how coarse and stupid and sexist crass the left will *of course* be with that, perhaps a day or two from now.
    I also, a day or two ago saw a video clip where it *appears* as if when McCain was introducing Palin, when she spoke he stepped back and discreetly checked out the view. On national TV as he’s announcing his VP pick. Okay first, it’s a middlin long shot, it’s hard to be sure of what you’re seeing. If you assume that he WAS checkin her out, he was being VERY low key, very discreet about it.
    Okay, let’s say for the sake of argument that’s what the video actually shows. And let’s concede all the points the left can be depended on about this kinda thing: “See? He’s just an old pervert! Now we know why he REALLY picked her!” “Poor old fart’s mind is wandering, can’t keep his mind on the job.” “That’s so sexist.” And let’s even give them the point they probably wouldn’t be smart enough to see for themselves: “On national TV. No matter how discreet, he’s CHECKIN OUT HIS VP’S ASS ON NATIONAL TV. Um, what was that you were saying about ‘judgement’? Now is NOT the time, John.”

    Okay, I’ll give em all of those, and even concede the last one *means* diddly squat to me. And now I’ll add a couple points they’ll probably wish I’d miss:

    1) That old man doesn’t seem to be as “almost dead” as you thought he was, huh?

    2) Do you really want people to go back through old footage of politicians? Do you really want to get into the discussion of what is appropriate behavior for a candidate, or a Senator, or a President? Not to put too fine a point on it, are you really gonna smoke that cigar, knowing where it’s been?

    3) Being someone who has worked as a stagehand, both setup and show call, I know there are a lot of things you do as normal as prep for a show that the general public is never aware of. How many people are actually *consciously aware of* those smoked glass screens at the corner of the podium? Not many, those teleprompters are specifically designed to be as invisible as possible. Yet every move the speaker makes is done with an awareness of them. In the last show I was in as an actor, I always checked out the butt of the person I would be onstage with, just before we walked on. It had nothing to with sex for HIM OR FOR ME, we checked each other to make sure the transmitters for our wireless mics were turned on. We were checkin each other’s asses.... for a little green light.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   09/03/2008  at  12:37 PM  

  5. Well, not to mention it IS a fine ass. Have to already be dead NOT to look.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/03/2008  at  08:32 PM  

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