Alabama Arsonists Arrested


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/08/2006 at 02:55 PM   
  1. heres a nice song for there mp3 players Starter, while recovering from skippers kicking.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   03/08/2006  at  03:23 PM  

  2. Bob, the sad news is that unless Alabama has changed the laws, a boy is considered a minor until he reaches 21. At least it was that way a few years back. If so, these “boys” will get a slap on the wrist.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/08/2006  at  04:15 PM  

  3. I am having a debate with myself.

    The debate is about betting a large some of money that these students are a bunch of hyper-liberal types that had one or more teacher like that asshat in Colorado who was conducting the “Bush warcrimes trial”.

    They’ve had years of BS poured in their tiny heads by a whole set of schools full of Socialist Indoctrinators (that are only loosely know as teachers) about “Evil Christians” and “Fascist Republicans” and how America is ruled by Nazi’s and needs to be destroyed for the good of Mother Nature and sexual freedom.

    My bet is that this is their response to Alito and Roberts being put on the Supreme Court.

    I have run accross a number of comments about declarations of war “against the American Taliban” by nuts commenting in places like the Daily Kos(hole) and the Huff(andpuff)ington Post.

    The same theme has been made throughout about burning down churches and lynching preachers and attacking the homes of known Christians. I figured most of it was just the sort of ranting that I like to do (most of the time!!!!) from idiots on the other side of the great divide (of sanity). I suspect these might be a new version of the kind of scum out there like the ALF/ELF eco-terrorist crowd who burn down Hummer dealerships, ski resorts, and housing developements.

    If it, is we may never hear much more about all of this because the media is basically on the terrorists side and wouldn’t want those of us who might be on the recieving end to realize we were being targeted and try to repel the attacks or go in for payback.

    Time will tell.

    I hope.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   03/08/2006  at  05:26 PM  

  4. your right babyloandon, if they would have burnt down as many mosques in the usa, the msm would have been all over this, it would have been on the bbc thats for sure.are there any mosques in birmingham Ala? cause there are fucking loads in birmingham UK.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   03/08/2006  at  05:57 PM  

  5. {head shaking} I just don’t get it - I guess the nuns did too good a job, ‘brainwashing’ me .......................... few years ago, I was walking past the Catholic church in downtown Portsmouth, VA - I saw 2 men of non-Caucasian appearance standing there - it took me about 5 paces beyond to realize, they were standing there urinating on the outer church wall, in broad daylight ............................ I kept going ...................... but thought to myself, “Aren’t they afraid a bolt of lightning is going to strike them dead?” oh oh

    Posted by Diamond Mair    United States   03/08/2006  at  06:05 PM  

  6. One more brick in this here wall…

    These scum were college students -


    I am really attempted to call my bookie!

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   03/08/2006  at  07:07 PM  

  7. Gosh Boys, nobody enjoys a joke more than me, but ... machinegun  wtf

    These fellow are sort of typical. First you have a bunch of bogus publicity about a rash of Black Church Arsonists.  That’s what we do in the Good Ole USA, right? Ignore the fact that it does not exist. Then the Numbnuts get aroused. This is the result.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/08/2006  at  07:56 PM  

  8. Do it once, we might say, stupid, stupid, stupid; probation and make restitution.  Ten times: go directly to jail.  That’s morally relevant, eh?  I’m waiting for the obligatory wail of the irresponsible parents crying what good boys they really are.

    Posted by dick    United States   03/08/2006  at  10:37 PM  

  9. They’ll find out just how much of a “joke” this was when they are doin’t time with the “general population” and all three have cellmates named Bubba.

    If they’d been football players, then it could be said that they arrived at jail as “tight ends” and will leave jail as “wide receivers” chasehatchet

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/09/2006  at  08:11 AM  

  10. A search of mosques in the Birmingham, AL on, turned up ONE mosque.  That’s it.  Found several synagogues, though.

    Posted by U2warrior05    United States   03/09/2006  at  04:18 PM  

  11. Skipper,

    Children are no longer considered minors in Alabama at the age of 19 now. I think part of their punishment should be to help rebuild the churchs and pay for the damages entirely, along with some serious jail time. If this is their idea of a joke they need to have their sense of humor adjusted.

    In a very small town in North Alabama there is a “Cultural Center” not called a mosque, but, serves the same purpose.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   03/10/2006  at  10:15 AM  

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